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Development Corner / Re: Open ModPlug Player
Last post by Merlyn6175 - January 25, 2025, 07:36:26
Looking good, I think when you hit Alpha 6, it would be my goto Mod Player.
For me only few things I would that would make it perfect:
1: Prev / Next ( as you mentioned for Alpha 6)
2: Working Audio Resolution: (have 1 24bit 192kh surround sound)
3: Working interpolation page( I prefer to not have any filters, as for me is takes away the imperfections I like)

Out of interest, what are your goto Mods you enjoy the most. So many out there it's easy to miss great ones.
Most of my ones come from the 90s PC and Atari ST demo scene, from the obvious Second reality, Unreal / Tournament, Amnesia, Cascada, Oh crikey what a scorcher(ST).

Keep up the good work.
Development Corner / Re: Open ModPlug Player
Last post by sunshine - January 22, 2025, 21:50:59
ModPlug Player 2 Alpha 5 has been released.
It can be downloaded from and
I am planning to release an Alpha version each month.
  • Spectrum analyzer's fully lighting bug is fixed.
  • Playlist can be saved and loaded. XSPF, Extended M3U and MOL formats are supported.
  • Songs can be played from playlist by double clicking on a song in the playlist editor.
  • Volume can be controlled by mouse scroll. Reversed scroll and scroll sensitivity will be added later.
  • Application doesn't crash anymore when corrupted or unsupported file is loaded.
Known bugs:
  • All windows are opened at the center of the screen. This will be fixed on the next alpha version.
  • Playlist's previous and next song playing functionality doesn't work on this Alpha version.
  • Playlist color settings can't be changed yet.
General Chatter / Re: Im making a tracker
Last post by Alice (Midori) - January 22, 2025, 16:04:42
You sound weird in this last post, but nevertheless, it's still a fun piece of software you created.
General Chatter / Re: Im making a tracker
Last post by MagnusWootton - January 22, 2025, 03:50:51
Quote from: Rakib on January 09, 2025, 10:19:19Must be something wrong with the audio, its just noise.

I was a troubled teenager, probably because I was so dumb, I couldn't work out what to do around other people at a young age, and I made many mistakes and I'm lucky im not a dead idiot, so then it turned all my music into noise, since about 14,   but I do remember I did make a few clanging out of tune songs before then, so maybe that actually isn't the cause of it.  Im actually just a bit of a bad egg, I was just born to make harmony, in its true form, as in completely clashing with itself.  Thats why they call them harmonics, cause they harm peoples ears, for fun.  and I enjoyed doing it to yours.
Help and Questions / Re: How can I change the volum...
Last post by Alex TEHb - January 20, 2025, 11:35:07
Analogous to the "Amplify" function but for the whole song (channel), not just the highlighted... OK! This is really useful!
Help and Questions / Re: How can I change the volum...
Last post by Saga Musix - January 19, 2025, 16:35:47
You're welcome. Here's one hint that may not be immediately obvious, and it's probably the only exception from "Find & Replace will do exactly what you see in the GUI, nothing more nothing less":
In the replace tab, you can not just replace with fixed values (e.g. replace with v32 as you did in your examples), you can also replace by a factor (e.g. multiply by 50%) or relative value (add 25). This works with default volumes, so if you find an empty volume command and replace it by a "v" volume command and choose, say, a *50% multiplier, the 50% will be relative to the sample's default volume.
Help and Questions / Re: How can I change the volum...
Last post by Alex TEHb - January 19, 2025, 15:04:12
Ugh!!! "Note any" helped! Thank you!
I wouldn't have figured it out myself....
Help and Questions / Re: How can I change the volum...
Last post by Saga Musix - January 19, 2025, 14:59:55
If you search for "None" as volume effect, it does not make sense to search for a specific parameter, because there is no effect parameter. Hence Find & Replace won't find anything in the first example. If you don't search for a specific volume parameter, it will work.

The second result is also expected. Your intention is probably to just find notes with no volume command, but that's not what you told Find  & Replace. You need to check the "Note" checkbox in the Find settings and choose "any" from the dropdown, if you want to find all cells that contain any type of note (except for === / ^^^ / ~~~ / PC events).

Find & Replace always literally does exactly what you tell it to do. Hence you have to be careful which checkboxes you check and which you don't check. If you don't tell Find & Replace to restrict itself to cells only containing notes, it will simply not be restricted to such cells.
Help and Questions / Re: How can I change the volum...
Last post by Alex TEHb - January 19, 2025, 14:52:34
Cannot find "??? ?? ?00 ???""
If I choose to do it this way:
Help and Questions / Re: How can I change the volum...
Last post by Saga Musix - January 19, 2025, 14:36:52
Oh, I had a second look at your screenshot and it's clear now: You chose to replace the volume command with no command, you have to replace it with a "v" command instead.