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Help and Questions / Re: OpenMPT flagged as malware...
Last post by Saga Musix - July 21, 2024, 17:16:08
I have no idea what Firefox uses in the background to make this determination (the system's installed AV solution?), but it seems like only ClamAV detects something. I have submitted a false positive request to them. It seems to be offended only by the plugin bridge executables, which is strange because they haven't changed in a long while, so anyone can guess what has changed that they are suddenly considered malicious.
Help and Questions / OpenMPT flagged as malware by ...
Last post by Alice (Midori) - July 21, 2024, 17:03:34
As can be seen on the screenshot, for the first time ever Firefox has raised weird and unexpected suspicion about the latest OpenMPT (Win 7/8/8.1 AMD-64 version).

Is there any reason to believe it, or is it just a false positive?
Free Music Downloads / [Synthpop] The Cure (it/ogg/fl...
Last post by Saga Musix - July 13, 2024, 16:32:48
A simple and happy synthpop track. Originally started as a One Hour Compo entry in 2022, now finished for Nordlicht 2024 where it won the tracked music compo.

Download The Cure
Help and Questions / Re: Octane VST
Last post by ASIKWUSpulse - July 12, 2024, 15:27:21
Seems like the developer has changed their name from "Sonic Sounds" to "Soundware" now - just a helpful heads up.

The new page is here:
Help and Questions / Re: Nintendo 64: Import MID se...
Last post by Keygenism - July 12, 2024, 09:36:32
Besides, like The Mad Doctor said, the Nintendo 64 can playback tracker modules as I heard on wiki related sites.
Help and Questions / Re: Nintendo 64: Import MID se...
Last post by The Mad Doctor - July 07, 2024, 17:19:38
It's better create modules than convert them because the two are complete diferent modules.
If you want help, i can arrange the midi files to mod.

Just send a pm if you want some help.
Help and Questions / Re: Nintendo 64: Import MID se...
Last post by Saga Musix - July 07, 2024, 16:33:08
I don't think there is any verbose tutorial for this, in particular because this is a multi-step process that requires a lot of manual work that will in general differ with each file to be converted. The restrictions you find in MOD files are really tight and the MIDI import process is not tailored towards them. It might be more effective if you find someone to work with you on your project who generally knows a thing or two about music and trackers, as the process will probably be a lot faster that way. Depending on the complexity of the original files, it may be even faster to manually recreate them directly in MOD format without the automatic conversion process.
If you do have any specific questions about a step in the conversion chain or how to fix a specific problem you are encountering, don't hesitate to ask, though.
Help and Questions / Re: Nintendo 64: Import MID se...
Last post by lwdallas - July 07, 2024, 15:54:09
I have a similar issue as I am coding an Atari Jaguar game(blast from the blast!). However, I am a music moron.

It there a verbose tutorial for converting MID to MOD with OpenMPT? I need a little handholding :)
Free Music Downloads / [Chiptune] Tree Town (mptm)
Last post by Suumar-21-Taw - July 07, 2024, 14:40:02
This module is actually a remade version,so I kept the Instruments of the original chiptune music(2A03 and VRC7).
This track is so good and authentic you should upload it to as many platforms as you can to preserve it, MEGA will prolly delete it
Just a friendly recommendation  ;D