
Started by cdnalsi, July 28, 2006, 01:39:32

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Quote from: "LPChip"Lol... Since when is humour not funny?:P

in case somebody crashes off a stand next to him
and you laugh and laugh till tears are running

i suggest...
commodore stole my childhood


I don't concidder that humour, and I can't laugh about it either. If someone's not seriously hurt, and he can laugh about it too, yes, then I considder it humour.
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs


2 speed-goddamn-focus
Thanks for the link, I didn't know freedict.
If I translate again from 'tiresome' I get 'vervelend' which means 'annoying'. 'Apathethic' becomes 'lusteloos', meaning 'lack of energy'. These negative things enlarges the distance to the concept.
Being 'melig' is about breaking rules, making unexpected twists. Takings things literally, while you're not supposed to do so, or the other way around.
To give an indication about the feeling for funny humour in the netherlands : Monthy Python, Fawlty Towers, Bean, are favourites. The absurd things. Tommy Cooper.

2 LPChip
Humour is the content, funny is the output. Some humour in Danish cartoons were not felt as 'funny' by a lot of people.
Thing is quite personal. Humour is offered. You grin or you don't.

My world
Somebody else owns a place, sells a part to you, with the option to call that part 'my place'. While it still isn't.
These kind of elements can start a reaction as 'melig', because of the absurdity of it.


i have a myspace - here

but myspace looks awful so my flatmate made a much nicer site with full tunes to dl -

myspace is good for promotion etc. and i've had gigs off the back of it so its alright by me, just a shame its so terrible looking and fails to work half the time!


Quote from: "cdnalsi, before it got deleted,"Click here for free porn!
---Formerly known as ---DjBj---. changed names for lots of reasons.
BooT-SectoR-ViruZ is the new Skaven and the whole world'z goin' to Hell.
Lowpass filter! Perform a generic type of dodge!!! :lol:
Everyone should get on this forum's chatroom RIGHT NOW...still not sure why, though.


Quotethe point is to have friends.

No two people are not on fire...AWWW!

[img][/img] Web and Graphic Design just for you!
I r GhostMech on there, forever scouting.


Quote from: "residentgrey"
Quotethe point is to have friends.

It's not like it's the first time I lied, why the fuzz?


Quote from: "speed-goddamn-focus"
Quote from: "residentgrey"
Quotethe point is to have friends.

It's not like it's the first time I lied, why the fuzz?

we have to make sure that everybody thinks twice...
there are still million kids around who think that myspace is cool and these useless friends-lists are worth the headache when being bored and then browsing through
commodore stole my childhood


Quote from: "cyperkid"we have to make sure that everybody thinks twice...
there are still million kids around who think that myspace is cool and these useless friends-lists are worth the headache when being bored and then browsing through
While MySpace may not be cool, it is probably one of the most effective ways to get your music heard by and hear music you never heard before. It's imho the only site that has been successful with listeners as well as artists.


Quote from: "speed-goddamn-focus"While MySpace may not be cool, it is probably one of the most effective ways to get your music heard by and hear music you never heard before. It's imho the only site that has been successful with listeners as well as artists.

I agree


that doesn't make out a scene, not a working network. it just helps to produce lazy bones that doesn't move their asses for their music anyway.

sorry. i grew up with concerts, buying tapes, patches there
my rooms are covered with posters, stickers...
please show me the man who prints out a pic that he downloaded from a myspace-account that he accidently stumpled over...

i could imagine that most of the users here might be homies who never got up to be active organizing concerts, having jam sessions with more than three people in a squat or in dad's garage
...but i definitly miss that.
it's hard for me that over the years, being active in the music scene, such louzy platforms dictate the music scene, and mobil ring tones sell the best...

anyway, that's not our fault, of course
commodore stole my childhood


I don't quite see how having a myspace account disables you from organizing a concert... but I do think the ability to hear an unsigned act from way across the world is really something.

Can't say I don't agree about the ring tones tho ;)


Quote from: "speed-goddamn-focus"I don't quite see how having a myspace account disables you from organizing a concert... but I do think the ability to hear an unsigned act from way across the world is really something.

Can't say I don't agree about the ring tones tho ;)

well, what to say. as i'm in the mood to hit some keys i'll write down some  of my personal thoughts (i'm too much brain and idealist to keep it unsaid)

i don't want to throw all musicians into that category...and i appreciate the  exploration effect too.
but as i'm running a label with output on analogue medias (and a mailorder) i experience those guys i called lazy bones everyday.
70% of nowadays-myspace-hangaround-musicians seem to think like "having an account - and all is done"
unfortunatly they're (in my experience) far away from being aware of their lamer-state. [of course there are musicians who are just having their little web-appearances and who don't want to have any real release, but the majority wants to be OUT there, not only on deletable mp3s, but on vinyl or cd.]
whereas you sent out tapes in the eighties, cdrs in the mid-90s, they now don't even send email-attached mp3s, they just send a link to their myspace-account.
wanna know me - visit my account
wanna listen to me - visit my account
wanna sign me - add me.

as soon as i talk about such things they give me the hint that i'm worn out and conservative.
it appears that the future of music is sitting in front of screens doing something ELSE while some stuff you didn't ever get into plays in the background, well, i wouldn't feel well letting this happen - just sitting and smiling out of wisdom or surrender, and i for my part would feel sorry if many promising musicians and artists (globally) just stay in this "3-4 mp3s on some harddisks" - state because myspace rocks it for them.

of course any comments appreciated :wink:
commodore stole my childhood


Have you ever considdered that these guys might not be after a record deal?

I mean... If you really want to do music for a living, you won't even think about having only myspace for promotions.

These guys are probably hobbyists that want to make music, and if people actually listen, its just a nice addition.
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs


I still don't quite see why you're upset... I think it's a good thing if the music would matter more than persistence of sending tapes to A&R:s in the hope that someone one day might actually give it a listen. There's absolutely NOTHING about MySpace that stops you from having your own website, from printing posters, from collecting stickers, from performing live, from jamming with friends...

Sure some people might just rely on being discovered without moving a finger, but hasn't it always been like that?