help a newbie

Started by Violette, June 18, 2006, 17:50:17

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Hi all...

Can someone answer these questions please?

1. What is the easiest tracker to use for a newbie? I've read it's either Modplug or Madtracker

2. I'm confused by all the technical terms when I read the features of a tracker... how do I get enlightened? ;)

3. Where is #trax?

4. Why are there so many Scandinavian trackers? :shock:



Quote from: "Violette"Hi all...

Quote from: "Violette"Can someone answer these questions please?
I'll do my best

Quote from: "Violette"1. What is the easiest tracker to use for a newbie? I've read it's either Modplug or Madtracker
I would agree, considering their pretty standard windows look. The principle is the same for all trackers tho.

Quote from: "Violette"2. I'm confused by all the technical terms when I read the features of a tracker... how do I get enlightened? ;)
Just ask.

Quote from: "Violette"3. Where is #trax?
on EFnet. There's also a #modplug channet on EFnet and one on Espernet.

Quote from: "Violette"4. Why are there so many Scandinavian trackers? :shock:
Beautiful people like tracking

Quote from: "Violette"Thanks
You are welcome


Thanks Speed :-) Since you agreed to be my victim, let me ask: what's a Vst wrapper do?


Quote from: "Violette"Thanks Speed :-) Since you agreed to be my victim, let me ask: what's a Vst wrapper do?
A VST wrapper brings VST support to a piece of software that doesn't support VST natively.


2 Violette
1. Searching for the easiest tracker is quite useless inho. It's more a matter of : Which one are you prepared to spend some time for learning how to get control over the tracker, to achieve your goals.
2. Trackers are technical things so they have technical terms. Better get familiar with them. First study, then ask.
So download an existing module of somebody else, open it in MPT, and analyse how things are done in the patterns, according to the result, for example.
5. VST wrappers ? Start with growing knowledge about basic tracker things, before using plugins, I would say.


Okay... Well, a long time ago I remember stumbling upon a hefty, all-purpose introduction to trackers. I'd love to read that right now but can't find it. Does anyone have the link?


That was on the forum before the crash.

At the moment, your best bet would be going to the OpenMPT manual wiki, which is accessable from the main page in the forum list. There's a Getting started page among with explainations on certain subjects. :)
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs


Thanks :) I'll be sure to read that. Funny thing, I found that manual I was talking about today, without looking for it. I printed it out some years ago. Guess someone up there really wants me to do this. Hehe...

Squirrel Havoc

VIolette, are you the same Violette that used to hang out here a while back with the anime avatar?
Anyone can do anything if they have nothing else to do
Most musicians are talented. I'm just determined.


Squirrel Havoc: Yes :-) How have you been?!

Squirrel Havoc

Quote from: "Violette"Squirrel Havoc: Yes :-) How have you been?!

Oh I've been avoiding the tracking scene for a while since my MIDI keyboard decided to stop working, but I finally got it working yesterday, so I am thinking of getting involved again.
Anyone can do anything if they have nothing else to do
Most musicians are talented. I'm just determined.


Glad you're back, then :)


Just wondering - what allows for most spontaneity - tracking or sequencing?


RavenSpiral's Guide to Music Theory may help you cuz id did for me. Weird i read like ten books on music theory and a 60 page PDF is what does it for me, go figure...
No two people are not on fire...AWWW!

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I r GhostMech on there, forever scouting.
