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Help and Questions / Re: Protracker Keyboard for no...
Last post by Magnar - October 21, 2024, 09:42:36
I found out that there is a way to import keys. And then I tried out the "US_mpt-it2_classic.mkb" file from the C:\Program Files\OpenMPT\ExtraKeymaps.

Help and Questions / Loading in WAV files, how do y...
Last post by Magnar - October 20, 2024, 23:23:19
By loading in a WAV, say it is a just a 48000hz 24bit WAV file. How do you control which root note it is assigned?

Say I would like it to be placed to PT2.3D F-3 note? No finetune etc.

If you load too long samples, are they automatically assigned to another key?

Help and Questions / Protracker Keyboard for notes
Last post by Magnar - October 20, 2024, 23:18:36
I would like to type the notes in Pattern-editor with "normal Protracker2.3D" keyboard-configuration for the "Virtual Piano". Example:

C-2 = q
C#2 = 2
D-2 = w
D#2 = 3
E-2 = e
F-2 = f

Is there an easy way of doing this (checkbox/radiobutton), or must I go to Setup, Keyboard, "Pattern Editor-Note Column" and manually change all the notes?

Cheers Magnar
Free Music Downloads / Re: (Experimental) Synesthesia...
Last post by n0cturn - October 18, 2024, 11:22:45
You must just be more sensitive than I am, lol
Free Music Downloads / Re: (Experimental) Synesthesia...
Last post by Vojvodinosaurus - October 18, 2024, 10:13:47
Although I see red in majority of the song, some parts actually have different colours, like blue, violet, orange, yellow
Help and Questions / Re: Is multi-channel VST input...
Last post by chr15m - October 17, 2024, 11:37:26
Donated, thanks!

Quote from: LPChip on October 10, 2024, 15:02:07Maybe its not the same, but you can create multiple instruments, and assign it to the same VSTi, but give each instrument a different midi channel.

This is indeed useful, thanks. I have done this before.

A bit more info about my use-cases for multi-channel audio into VSTs. I am using PdVST which allows me to embed the Pure Data patching environment inside OpenMPT. This is working great for single channel effects, and also for final mastering effects with all channels mixed together. I'd like to also be able to design the following kind of effects using PdVST:

* Effects that allow me to mix or choose between channels. For example two drum breaks coming in on two different stereo channels. On each beat I can subtly alter the mix between them to get an interesting dynamic sound where it's never playing exactly the same drum sound. I do this at the moment using one beat into each of the left and right channels and mixing to mono and it sounds cool. Would be great to support stereo.

* Effects which let one channel influence the sound of another. For example using one channel as a ring mod against the other channel, or vocode one channel against the other. Or using one channel to trigger gating on the other channel or set the envelope of the other channel based on the sound e.g. drum track's power envelope sets the volume of a synth sound to give it a rhythmic feeling. Can sort of do that with MIDI note triggers but can't do the ring mod of one sound into the other.

* Multi-channel mixing live. I can run all channels into one plugin and then change the mix of individual channels from there in real-time. Can also apply e.g. stutter effects or other custom effects/algorithms to only selected channels or whatever. At the moment you can have a "master" plugin but it receives all the channels mixed together so anything you do is applied to all of them.

Thanks again for your work on OpenMPT all these years!
Help and Questions / Re: how to do irregular time s...
Last post by Alice (Midori) - October 14, 2024, 07:30:36
First of all, you can write in any time signature regardless of the visual settings of the grid. I'm assuming you want a clear visual cue in the form of pattern reflecting the time signature though, which is also perfectly possible. I'm assuming you want one measure to consist of 5 beats, each lasting a quarter note.

Lets assume a quarter note will take 8 rows in your module for now. All you have to do is set the "rows per beat" to 8 and "rows per measure" to 40 (8 rows per beat x 5 beats per measure). Last thing you might want to do is to adjust the pattern length to a multiple of 40 for desired amount of measures contained within one pattern.

If you're using the modern MPTM module format you can adjust all these settings separately for each individual pattern, thus achieving mixed time-signature songs. Hope this helps.
Free Music Downloads / (Experimental) Synesthesia Red...
Last post by n0cturn - October 14, 2024, 01:44:50
Help and Questions / how to do irregular time signa...
Last post by rqkaiju2 - October 13, 2024, 23:19:51
hey. i wanted to make a song in 5/4 to try out some new things. apparently openmpt only allows regular time sigs. which means i cant do irregular songs or anything like that. is there any way to make irregular time songs?
Help and Questions / Re: Is multi-channel VST input...
Last post by LPChip - October 10, 2024, 15:02:07
Maybe its not the same, but you can create multiple instruments, and assign it to the same VSTi, but give each instrument a different midi channel.