ModFM Jingle Compo

Started by AceMan, April 14, 2009, 08:24:13

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We are happy to annouce fresh competition! :)
This time it's smallest and a bit different from what we had in the past, but we hope you will enjoy it as much as previous ones :)

* the goal is to create ModFM radio jingle
* max. duration: 20 sec.
* format: MP3 44100 khz 128 kbps (you can send us "source" file like XM, but you have to provide MP3 version as well)
* voice sounds (spelling radio's name, website url and some catchy phrases) are highly recommended :)
* two entries per composer allowed

* deadline: 19 April 2009
* voting: 20-24 April 2009
* results: 25 April 2009

Send your jingles to (you will get a reply email confirming your entry was accepted).

The winner will get brand new t-shirt :)
All jingles that will get users' approvement will be played regulary at ModFM radio.


Do we get samples to work on?


Hi Rakib!

Nope. This time you can use any sound you want :)

Saga Musix

Hey AceMan! :) As said at BP, I'll try to get something done for the compo. :)
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Hi Saga! I'm looking forward to your entry :)

Btw, thanks for your congratz on ICQ and congratulations for 2nd place in tracked compo! You deserved it :)


My input is not correct then :D, you've claimed that non of your track has even past the BP pre filtering process Jojo. Oh well *updating*.
I'm as calm as a synth without a player.  (Sam_Zen)

Saga Musix

You have got me very wrong then. :P
Quotepsishock, 12.04.2009 18:12:46:
how was the tracker compo?

Saga, 18:12:53:
and my track didn't make it through the preselection for streaming music

Saga, 18:12:57:
tracker music was ok

psishock, 18:13:07:
omg didn't maked? why? :)

Anyway, thanks AceMan, especially for this really great compo. :)
» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.


We've collected 9 nice jingles :) You can download them or simply listen online on the compo page - look for the "Compo" section in the right panel (when logged in).

Voting ends on Friday 0:00 so make sure you place your votes before that :)


Nice site AceMan, any teamup with TMA at all?
No two people are not on fire...AWWW!

[img][/img] Web and Graphic Design just for you!
I r GhostMech on there, forever scouting.

Saga Musix

Teamup? The only teamup I'm aware of was at Breakpoint, when I was supposed to help with the pre-selection in the tracked music compo, but there was no need for that. :P
» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.