[Synth Pop] Left Unsatisfied (Beat Of The Heart Mix) (mp3)

Started by TheEagle, March 19, 2009, 17:37:37

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This is a remake of my first-try-techno-song "Left Unsatisfied":

Left Unsatisfied (Beat Of The Heart Mix)

It's a bit slower but I think it sounds more interesting than the original.
If you wish to compare both versions you may download the original here.

The Eagle


Comparing the intro already, next to the added instruments, I would prefer the new, slower version, concerning speed.
The original is also handling the moment of introduction of the drum part a bit too obvious : drums, faster, faster rolls, kick.


Notes as i'm listening:

OMG, i had to check the title again to make i was listening to the expected track! This is FAR better than the original song, not too much of which i remember, because it wasn't done well enough for me to want to keep it. Now, in places, the melodic and chord progressions are rather mundane and simple, but the sonic and rhythmic structure keep things interesting. Even a song that has an uninspired sound can with a little technique sound like it's soaring and emotionallly passionate. This is literally 100% better than the first release and definitely worth keeping in the Background rotation.  :)


haven't downloaded (and i can't remember) the old version, but the new version is very convincing.
I'm as calm as a synth without a player.  (Sam_Zen)


the chord progression is pretty straight forward but the choice and handling of the synth sounds is superb - they blend in very very well.

on the microtonal email list I'm on they often talk about "periodicity buzz" meaning a pleasant feeling in the ears. Your synth sweeps did that to me.


Thanks for listening and the feedbacks.

The Eagle

Saga Musix

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