mptrack host name?

Started by doveraudio, December 11, 2008, 19:24:45

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i am having a discussion with the developer of uvi workstation, in order to get uvi workstation to work in mptrack.

the answer i got is "Ok. So I've made a quick test.
This host describes itself as Steinberg Cubase so I can't detect it in order to returns only 32 outputs.
And maybe because of the 34 outputs, it do not seems that the Audio processing is called, which results in a crash after a while.

See with them to support > 32 audio outputs and/or returns a better host name Smile (first solution is of course way better) "

so i'm just wondering if this makes any sense to the developerrs. (it makes some sense to me, but as i've already mentioned, i don't have access to mfc, so i until i get a full copy of m$ c++...

any ideas?

i'll repost my initial post from kvr as well, describing the problem.
i figured here would be better since i don't think of it as a bug or a feature request, more of a development issue, but in anycase, if need be, please rename and move thread appropriately.

my initial post.
"i thought there was a problem with uvi workstation in my host, so tried it again. i use the latest build of open modplug tracker. when i load it, it says, unsupported number of outputs (34) may not function correctly. then when i have it set up to operate, with a sample set loaded, i hit a note, and it says "the plugin 'uvi workstation' threw an exception, it has been set to bypass"

i wish i knew enough about c++ to fix this, but without mfc, i can't even begin."


I can't really help you here but then again, I'm not one of the devs. :P

So the following questions might be considered noob questions. But perhaps it helps you. :)

Are you trying to make the uvi workstation to act like a VST or VSTi, and load it in as a plugin to Modplug?

If so, what specs of VST are you using? If you happen to use VST 3.0 specs, then that could very well be the reason. Does your plugin work in other hosts?
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs


MFC can be downloaded or BT'd, check MSDN. If it doesn't work in MPT try other trackers there are plenty to choose from.
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Quote from: "doveraudio"so i'm just wondering if this makes any sense to the developerrs.
Makes a lot of sense. What comes to the reasons of this bug, a comment in code says that OpenMPT pretends as Cubase for compatibility(don't know more about this), and the warning message was added earlier this year when fixing a bug in output handling; at the same time output limit was increased from 30 to 32.

Quote from: "doveraudio"i don't have access to mfc, so i until i get a full copy of m$ c++...
In case you're interested, there's a 90-day Visual Studio trial available for free.


Quote from: "Relabsoluness"
Quote from: "doveraudio"so i'm just wondering if this makes any sense to the developerrs.
Makes a lot of sense. What comes to the reasons of this bug, a comment in code says that OpenMPT pretends as Cubase for compatibility(don't know more about this), and the warning message was added earlier this year when fixing a bug in output handling; at the same time output limit was increased from 30 to 32.

Quote from: "doveraudio"i don't have access to mfc, so i until i get a full copy of m$ c++...
In case you're interested, there's a 90-day Visual Studio trial available for free.

i'd only need the visual studio for as long as to convert the modplug gui into something more crossplatform.
i don't know squat much for c++ right now. been spoiled by synthedit for a couple years. i'm learning java right now, but after that i'm going to go back to learning c.  ::)
i would add that 90% of the vsts i've made were designed specifically to work well in modplug tracker, as opposed to some other host. the volume levels and whatnot scaled for the levels in whatever build i was using.
first host i used back in 02 or something.  last thing i'd ever do is change hosts. i do use wave-editors in conjunction. (maybe a feature request, instead of the timestrech thing in that slot, put a command line feature, so you can send the sample through external batch gear like paulstretch or what not?)

i think i forgot to mention uvi workstaiton is available for free, and although i prefer the sample mapping in modplug, i like to experiment and this would let me construct kits i could send to (people who use other) hosts.