Hello everyone! =)

Started by psishock, October 03, 2008, 17:30:52

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Hello everyone. =)

I've been here for a while now, and was so busy with the technical stuff,
that i simply forget my manners and haven't introduced myself. ^_^

So here goes then:

my real name is Zsolt Torok, i'm a Hungarian who lives in Serbia, almost 25 years old now (and getting much older every day T_T).
You already know my "drawing" artist name, Dreamshader (had some pictures in older topics). My musical artist name is Signal Chain.
Worked with trackers about 6-7+ years for now, but only after all this years i've come to the conclusion that the only way for the really quality and "free" electronic music are those mysterious (virtual) synthesizer. "Samples" that i've used and practised for (so many) years just wont meet the requirements and i can never be quality and "free" enough, if i depend on them. So before 2-3 months, i've started to discover and learn the VST(i)s. First i tought that it's hopeless, because i just couldn't made any descend sound with any of them. The samples i've already had, sounded so much better, but fortunetely after some weeks of research and practise, i was getting a hang of it. Now i feel that i know most of the basics and the ticks to make almost everything that i have on my mind, without much limitation, and that's plain simply cool. =) (Mostly everything is present for me to finally take over the world) :D
In the world of music, i like being original, creative, designing my own sounds/melodies, and i'm very picky about just everythink i make, you won't find any stricter critic, if it comes to decide whenever is good or bad that i make. =) I always to aim for the "perfection".
The type of electronic musics i realy appreciate are (not in order): Trance, Uplifting, Techno, Progressive, Electro, Tech-Trance, Electro-Trance, Vocal Trance, and some possible lesser sub-genres about these directions =)

I know that most of you guys here wont like much overall this stlyle of musics, but hey, someone has to do these type of songs too. (suit yourself) :D

Now for the end, let me share some latest work in progress pieces with you all:

This will be a "refreshed" version for my (about a month old) song. I'm lot more satisfied with the sounding in this:

Signal Chain - Royal (you could already listened to the "old" version on my previous post http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/36919730/file.html) here are some parts from the upcoming updated ver.:

This is one of my newest work in progress pieces, somewhat have a progressive impression, the basses and most of the sounds are real CPU killers, but they sound rewarding. ^_^

Signal Chain - Cold State

Again one of latest WIP, this one is very strong techy-electronic stuff, but one of the best sound quality till now IMO, i'm in love currently with those synths near the end. =)

Signal Chain - Artificiality

And here is my very first worthwhile VSTi test. The purpose was testing, so i've tried out many things, it's kind of stronger Uplifting Vocal Trance, but in the end i will change many things on it. It sounds worse of course, compared to latest works, also need to change most of the structure, work a lot on those EQ-s, but can be fun to listen anyway.

Signal Chain - don't really need a name. O_o

This one is for you, Jojo, i've tried to imagine how would your Timelord sound approximately if it would been "merged" with Artificiality, so i've softened the techy mood a bit, and did very simple, minute long sounding-demo. As we talked about it before on IRC, maybe will make a full remix in future. All depends on the mood and time. :)

Jojo vs. Signal Chain - Artificial Timelord =)

phew ^_^, proper introduction is done too.
I'm as calm as a synth without a player.  (Sam_Zen)

Saga Musix

i know that percussion line in Artificiality at 1:00 from "somewhere"... :P
i like "cold state" and "royal", the other stuff is also pretty neat :)
your new timelord approach actually has that dance feeling that i probably hate most... :) i don't have anything against dance, but this certain style =)
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Quotei know that percussion line in Artificiality at 1:00 from "somewhere"
yup ^_^', i was bad and borrowed your perc and rimshot lines (with minor modifications). I'm not very experienced with those percussion instrument atm, but like how they sound, and working on gaining knowledge of that area too. I made kickdrums, hihats, snares, claps, and cymbal crash attacks with pure synthesis. Buts it still feels kinda heavy to arrange them in "right order" to have that nice nice looping beat illusion. I will get a hang of it over time, i'm sure. =)

Quoteyour new timelord approach actually has that dance feeling that i probably hate most...  i don't have anything against dance, but this certain style =)
say it, it's cheesy, i know. :D this is my curse, i always work so hard to avoid that "cheesy/cheap" sounding xD, it's more harder than it seems, no matter what i begin to make, i fight with that. Don't worry, when i'm finishing the music it mostly never sounds even close like when i've started to make it. This timelord approach is just a simple try, if i would make a real remix, it would surely sound much more complex and... well... not so cheesy, i will try my best. =)
I'm as calm as a synth without a player.  (Sam_Zen)


Well, hello, psishock! :D

Don't be worried about us "not liking those sorts of styles" - I actually do like electronica quite a bit. :) I'm just not very good at writing it. :D


I already appreciated your contributions, psishock, but an official 'welcome' anyway :)


The cake is a lie, CAN'T HAVE ANY! MINE!!!

Er...Ello m8!  8)
No two people are not on fire...AWWW!

[img]http://www.taralax.com/assets/gfx/tsbanner_xpmono.png[/img] Web and Graphic Design just for you!
I r GhostMech on there, forever scouting.


Welcome again! Here's the serious man coming! (Now I know which CDs to buy :D)
After all, quality music have its price and, having your potential and a lot of luck people will go commercial. So no more music for free. (BTW where's KrazyKatz? :D)
Ahh, the old fool is jabbering again. I'll go write some funerals :D

[EDIT] BTW, Royal kicks some serious #ss!



YOU are Signal Chain? :o

All these time that I have you in my msn, I never knew you were Signal Chain!


Uh, who's Signal Chain again? :nuts:

Well... come m8 :)

I mean... Welcome m8 :nuts: :lol:
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs



It's always good to get to know my colleagues, especially those with whom i share a common musical thread. Coming of age in the early 80s, electronica was my first love (disco -> new wave -> trance) and when i started composing in the late 80s, it came very easy. But this was long before the universality of MIDI, computer ports, and tracking software. Now like you i have recently found the wonderfulness of VSTi's, as i can now get many sound generators for one computer (as opposed to buying so many different synths).

BTW, i dunno if you're using translation software or not, but for someone who's not a native of an english-speaking country, your English is quite decent and understandable. Unfortunately for you, i'm quick to make up words that suit my puirpose, that you will not find in any dictionary.

Also, i love the beautiful mystique of the music from your part of the world, anything from Hungarian to Bulgarian to Romanian and Serbian. Which of your pieces you listed showcase this distinctive sound?


Hugs everybody ^_^, nice and friendly community we have here.

well, you could ask me any time, i would gladly give that info =), but you didn't knew.... i could also mention it, but i didn't knew, that you didn't knew.... and if i would knew.... bah forget it, now you know. =)

No, i'm not using any translation software. That way, i would miss all the fun creating these nice sentences. ^_^ Sometimes i do use a dictionary, in those rare cases, when i just can't find the right word that i'm looking for. I never really learned English anywhere, just played a lot of click'n'point adventure games when i was a kid and it just got inside me somehow. =) Also, of course, writing/talking with people helps to improve myself.
Also don't worry about those "made up" words that i might not understand, i'm very good at guessing, i will manage to decrypt them. ;)

About my "sounding"? Hmmm, i'm getting influences from everywhere in the world with the help of the internet. Before that, i was "forced" to listen to nice local Serbian and Hungarian artist . I've enjoyed many of them of course, but inside of me, i was always longed for those "electronic sounds", that today is called "game music". I've turned on my C64, loaded a game, just to listen to those very enjoyable chiptunes.
Now, i'm trying not to restrict myself to any type of genre when i'm listening. I've discovered over time, that every type of music can have an interesting idea/melody/technology/moment/etc. that i can "assimilate" =), and it would be a shame to miss it, just because of some personal restrictions.
When i'm making a music, i'm naturally using all my previous, mixed experiences and influences (i've already gathered a lot IMO), so i cannot really point any of my song out for you, that will represent a certain influence/style from this, or a close region/country. It's worth to mention that i'm trying to sound original (not an easy job with so many influences from everywhere =), that's why i love making my own sounds and melodies, song structures (i know many (comercial) artist that are just copycating each other). I am following some favored "rules" of my favored  genres simply because i like them, but also blending many of them, when i feel that there is a need for it.

Have faith in yourself =), i AM lazy as hell, and if i can manage somehow to go commercial, anyone can do it 2.
I have a strong determination and commitment about the music in myself, the human thoughts can make a strong impact to the life/happenings around him. Anyone, who not gives up easily, can make his wishes come true.
I'm as calm as a synth without a player.  (Sam_Zen)

Saga Musix

Quotejust played a lot of click'n'point adventure games when i was a kid and it just got inside me somehow.
there's so much truth in that sentence! :D played Sam&Max a lot during my early years when learning english, and it helped. :)
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Quote from: "Jojo"
Quotejust played a lot of click'n'point adventure games when i was a kid and it just got inside me somehow.
there's so much truth in that sentence! :D played Sam&Max a lot during my early years when learning english, and it helped. :)

'nother guilty person here. :) Maniac Mansion on the C64, Monkey Island, Larry, Police Quest, you name it...
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs


Don't forget about Ultima series (Underworld in particular).
There was a time when my knowledge of English was limited to "Game Over" and "Hasta la vista, baby" LOL
Then I've had a headache understanding all those "Thou givest..." and the likes.
Can't say that now I'm satisfied with my English, but I can manage :D