[Hybrid Soundtrack] Tension (.mp3)

Started by KrazyKatz, May 27, 2008, 22:08:16

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Due to popular demand, it was decided to include another song in the next release of the game 'Wicked-Defense'. The original score was by Lpchip and myself and I was contracted to do the additional song.

Here it is!

Comments are always welcome.





Sonic Brilliance Studios


As usual an excellent production.

Somehow I've got some mixed feelings about this.
It introduces a tension feeling indeed very effective. But then the feeling got stuck at a certain level, and stays there.
So it's tense, but never behaves 'wicked'.

I think this is due to the fact, that everything plays harmonically in chords very correct throughout the song.
It's not necessary to start adding 'blue' notes in this, but I don't even hear a variation of some notes a fifth or octave higher.
So the strings go dah - dahdah -diddit all the time, instead of sometimes using -diddeet for example.

But I guess you're familiar with my attitude about harmonies, etc. :)


Thanks for your comments Mr. Zen. It has been on my mind to let my music start tending into more extended harmonic progressions. Your comments are well founded.
Sonic Brilliance Studios


Great percussion work, KrazyKatz. I agree with Sam_Zen. You could use more "tense" harmonies that are still fairly consonant, like diminished sevenths. But I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the track.


I have listend to a number of the pieces on the sonicbrilliance site, and I do enjoy them very much.   I like this one also.  I think that some of the criticisms sort of miss the point that this music is intended for a specific purpose, and it suits that very well.  I don't think the composers intended to put on a dazzling display of their knowledge of music theory, but, instead, had a specific game concept in mind.


Yep, I agree about the game concept.


Thanks for your words Mr. Vegas, and for looking out for my music ;). If you reckon I'm achieving my objective at getting the music to match the medium, then that makes me a happy toad :). And if theres one guy who we can all appreciate as someone who knows what he's talking about, it's you.
Sonic Brilliance Studios