[Hardcore]<OFFLINE> Djungle Fever 1 (MP3)

Started by BooT-SectoR-ViruZ, November 21, 2005, 08:32:00

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a bit older and already posted on the old forum, but here it is again ;)


Style: Crazy Hardcore
Duration: 3:17
Year: 2004

stay hard
10 years on ModPlug... f#cking hell...

Soundcloud for B-S-V | Soundcloud for DX4-100 | Bandcamp for B-S-V


hi , nice job , i like it :D hakkuhh!!...

keep the good job going on ;)


Squirrel Havoc

Did you make this in MPT? And where did you get those samples?
Anyone can do anything if they have nothing else to do
Most musicians are talented. I'm just determined.


haha... yes, i did it in MPT... i never use other programmes ;)

why're you asking? the second part i made is a lot better, but not public ..hrhr

voice-samples are from "kimba - the white lion". sampled from german vinyl  by me 8)

btw: that's where disney ripped the idea for "lion king"

or did you mean other samples?

P.S.: only plugin i used is "NorthPole"
10 years on ModPlug... f#cking hell...

Soundcloud for B-S-V | Soundcloud for DX4-100 | Bandcamp for B-S-V


I like it...

Kimba voces are really good!  8)
AMD Athlon64 3200+ 1GB RAM / GeForce 6600GT 256MB Silent Pipe II / Albatron K8SLI[/color]