Modplug Users' Social Lives?

Started by SoundCrafter, January 17, 2007, 23:12:02

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Ok, I remember a post on the old forum that was kinda like this, where we all kinda talked about ourselves, whether we had a girlfriend (or boyfriend, ladytrackers.), la dee da. I remember Xincbox said he had a girlfriend and I can't remember anybody else's. So here's a blurb about me:

I'm 15, relatively popular, and of course, a hit with the ladies. Haven't settled with anyone in particular yet but I've got my eyes on someone.

Anyone else? Come on! Do some soul-baring, damn you!
---Formerly known as ---DjBj---. changed names for lots of reasons.
BooT-SectoR-ViruZ is the new Skaven and the whole world'z goin' to Hell.
Lowpass filter! Perform a generic type of dodge!!! :lol:
Everyone should get on this forum's chatroom RIGHT NOW...still not sure why, though.


I'm 8 years old, so I had my times with the girls, and know what it's about. At the moment my only companion is a 14-year old cat running the household. And she doesn't talk much.


Quote from: "Sam_Zen"I'm 8 years old,
Leap years? :D

I'm 16. I have way too many friends. That are girls... ...
I'm also straight, in case you were wondering. I've been a homophobe, but I don't really have anything against gay people. Just a me thing. >_>

That also explains why I quit 7th grade (american) football. And I was a tackle. I was lucky not to be the center. I don't want guys sticking their thumbs up my balls.

As of right now, I'm messing around with a couple, but the truth is, I'm not attracted to anybody right now.

Yes, lady trackers, I'm open :D

Actually, I don't care for a girlfriend right now. Ask me later, you know, when I'm depressed and easy to take advantage of. :P

I'm also part-time tracker (that's obvious), part-time programmer (mostly unfinished games. recently, I got really into fractals and the M-set tho'), once and still sorta pixel-artist (or you can say digital artist in general, though that was my specialty), once but not now street-baller, kindof into breakdancing, and a hit at every dance I go to. :)

I'm not popular, but I'm well known, especially in my own circles, and I make good friends. That keep me happy. So you know, I don't get pissed off.

Soundcrafter: XD it's a different one every year, eh? Maybe it's nice not pining after another chick once in a while. Less hassle.


I'm between 0 and 100 :nuts:

but I'll clarify... I'm 25. :)

I work fulltime at a bank for mortgage redemptions. Although its an administration job, my job is not mortgage administration. I can do it, and sometimes I'll do it if there is need.

My job mainly exists in: word/excel macro maintainance/development, functional management for a standalone application and technical consultant. Whenever there's a question about something technical, I'm always being called to sit in the meeting. :)

Aside from this fulltime job, I also have started a company with Lifepower. Its called Afterwarp Interactive

We're making games. Well, he does all the programming, but I assist in GFX and SFX/Music development. And since I have alot of experience, we chat alot about what decisions to make and what not.

For example, our last discussion was, wether it was a good idea to use Shaders 2.0 or not. It gives alot of advantage, but not everyone has a 3D card, capable of Shaders 2.0. We've decided to go for it, as a card is not that expensive anymore, besides, most gamers we'll attract will easilly meet this requirement.

Aside from that, I also manage and am working on a system for the new modplug which as you can see due to my busy shedule is sometimes hard... :(

I also occasionally make music that is not ment for the game, so I can refresh my thoughs in that and try something out that I can then use for the gamemusic. (eg. different style or sounds I made. LPChip-Chill.ogg is a fine example of that :P)

In social life, I'm still single, but thats just because I haven't met her yet...
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs


Quote from: "CrazyAznGamer"...
I'm 16. I have way too many friends. That are girls... ...
I'm also straight, in case you were wondering. I've been a homophobe, but I don't really have anything against gay people. Just a me thing. >_>

That also explains why I quit 7th grade (american) football. And I was a tackle. I was lucky not to be the center. I don't want guys sticking their thumbs up my balls.

As of right now, I'm messing around with a couple, but the truth is, I'm not attracted to anybody right now.

Yes, lady trackers, I'm open :D

Actually, I don't care for a girlfriend right now. Ask me later, you know, when I'm depressed and easy to take advantage of. :P


Soundcrafter: XD it's a different one every year, eh? Maybe it's nice not pining after another chick once in a while. Less hassle.

Haha...different one every year...maybe. Doesn't seem like it this time (of course, it never does.) Lol I like your description of why you quit football...lacrosse is more my style (o'course...there's still a lot of sticks...not many balls though.  :lol:  )

Yeah, I'm a bit of a homophobe meself. I'm Catholic (yay we drink blood!), so that has a lot to do with it (and just about my entire life).
---Formerly known as ---DjBj---. changed names for lots of reasons.
BooT-SectoR-ViruZ is the new Skaven and the whole world'z goin' to Hell.
Lowpass filter! Perform a generic type of dodge!!! :lol:
Everyone should get on this forum's chatroom RIGHT NOW...still not sure why, though.


Social life? You mean IRC? No such thing found.


I'm somewhat younger than Sam Zen, so you can guess now how old I am. About girls, yes, I'm almost sure I remember what was that, at least the word sounds familiar to me... maybe other day I get it.
My job takes me a lot of time, so I disappear now and then; I'm just a Thermodynamics teacher at the Engineering School. And I have three sons, one studies Informatics, the second has an IQ of 80 and the third has an IQ of 156. So I get a little bit of almost everything at home.
And perhaps because I grew up under a dictatorship before the actual democracy, I think is a shame to be homophobo or anything-phobo (except, maybe, Bush-phobo). And, of course, I'm a profoundly convinced atheist.


Quote from: "rncekel"And I have three sons, one studies Informatics, the second has an IQ of 80 and the third has an IQ of 156.

Just out of curiousity... why do you say one has an IQ of 80 while the other has an IQ of 156?

If someone doesn't act smart, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have a high IQ ;) I'd not surprised if he is alot smarter than you think. :)
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs


As the term says, IQ is a quotient. So it produces an average. The measurement-methods of this are still, as we say here : "in child shoes".
And an average will not tell very much anyway about the reality of a single person.
Many skills involved in such a test are in fact dependent of the kind of education one had about e.g. language or mathematics. So these elements shouldn't play such a big role in the rating of the potential personal intellect.

Quote(except, maybe, Bush-phobo). And, of course, I'm a profoundly convinced atheist.
Nice to meet you.


As of this post im 23, USCG, like synthing, progging, composing, makin ze art and ze writinz, playin gamez, women, Josta, Flamin Hit Cheetos, Learning, and women. OH yeah


dislikes: fakes, a$$holes, jerks, CAPITAL LETTERZ ;) ,


and pants....
No two people are not on fire...AWWW!

[img][/img] Web and Graphic Design just for you!
I r GhostMech on there, forever scouting.


Quote from: "LPChip"
Just out of curiousity... why do you say one has an IQ of 80 while the other has an IQ of 156?

If someone doesn't act smart, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have a high IQ ;) I'd not surprised if he is alot smarter than you think. :)

Well, I had had a lot of problems with psicologist, just because my second son didn't began to speak until he was 8 years old... So he has passed through every kind of examination one can imagine, physical and mental. I think that now his IQ reflect a lot the fact that he still speaks spanish (his mother-language) as if it were a foreign language. And my third son is taking special classes on saturdays for children with very high capacities; he is in fact a very clever boy, who often breaks the nerves of his teachers...


True, but that doesn't mean he isn't dumb.

If he is incapable (or simply don't want to) to develop himself further he can still be a very smart kid.

I actually think that he just doesn't want to develop himself for whatever reason.

I find it hard to believe that you have 2 smart kids and one dumb. Just doesn't want to go in.

My brother was always smart and when I was young I just didn't had the need to develop myself that much. I stayed "dumb" for quite some time till my parents got devorced and me and my brother were seperated for a few years. (we did see eachother, but not during the week.) It was then when I learned to take care of myself.

It was just that whenever there was a challenge, my brother always gave the answer first so there was too little stimuli to develop myself.
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs


"If he is incapable (or simply don't want to) to develop himself further he can still be a very smart kid."

That's true. I could use myself as a counterexample. I guess I'm doing average in school. I'm not exactly applying myself too hard. This is sad, because I could be doing better. Or I could use the excuse I have so many hobbies I tend to forget about homework. Which is bad.

However, in a national exam (the PSAT, for those of you who are familiar with the testing facilities in the US), I scored higher than >99% of the Sophomores and >99% of the Juniors (this is my Sophomore year), as well as could have placed in a (very notorious) National Merits Scholarship program geared towards Juniors. My IQ was 183.

This just goes to show you that oftentimes, it's not how naturally intelligent you are, it's how hard you work that determines your success.

"It was just that whenever there was a challenge, my brother always gave the answer first so there was too little stimuli to develop myself."

That's a strange recurring phenomenon. I happen to be an only child.

"Many skills involved in such a test are in fact dependent of the kind of education one had about e.g. language or mathematics. So these elements shouldn't play such a big role in the rating of the potential personal intellect. "

That's very true. I don't believe I am smart because of my scores on some stupid test. Every person has their own unique abilities, not to sound cliche, and many just need to develop the incentive to use their talents.


So I guess we agree about the ideas 'dumb' or 'smart' being very relative. Another aspect coming to play a role here, is the feeling someone has, living in this world. A 'dumb' person can feel very happy in what he/she is doing, while a 'smart' person is living a very unhappy life. Or vice versa.

"many just need to develop the incentive to use their talents"
This is often the problem, because the outside world has the habit to block these developments, based on some interpretation of
the current mainstream, pages in books, or statements of some 'experts' in the field.

2 rncekel
So the 2nd was slow with language. Was he also slow with numbers ?

But I'm a lucky guy. Because I was at a basic school according to the Montessori concept. Meaning that each pupil could define his own speed of learning things, no matter the average status of the rest. A high stimulus to want to learn more, and enjoy it.

Talking about Social Lives :
I'm a nightowl. I work during the night, and sleep during the day.


Me is in the mid 20s and i already had 3 midlife crises. :?
My IQ is between 80 and 153 (mostly beneath but sometimes beyond ;) )
The life in my childhood was a mix of special school, punk and amiga.
In the late 90s i used to make music with OctaMED (The best Amiga-Tracker :) ).
But when i bought my first PC in 2000 (or was it 2001) there was the best tracker ever on the sound driver CD.
Do you know which? ;)