Drum Loop in a Pattern - keep tempo and pitch unchanged (newbie question)

Started by Abrimaal, January 26, 2025, 22:57:46

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I have just started to compose the first song with Open MPT, after a few attempts of remixing sample songs.

I imported a drum Loop as a sample.
in the sample editor it is playing correctly, at the same speed and pitch as the original.
Playing time (total length) matches the original audio file.

01 imported drum Loop as a sample - it is playing at correct speed and pitch.png

Added the whole sample as the first note in the first pattern.
The sample is playing at different speed and pitch
The sample length is longer than the pattern.

I added one more pattern, but the sample is silenced when the new pattern begins.

02 added as first note to first pattern - playing at different tempo and pitch.png

Exported to .wav and compared the original Loop and the exported file in an Audio Mixer.
Different speed, different pitch, trimmed (cropped)

04 exported different speed and pitch.png

My question:
(How) can I setup the pattern editor to
- adjust playing time of a single pattern to the sample playing time?
- keep pitch and speed unchanged?

When I change note value, eg. from F4 to F7, the sample is played at a quite different speed and pitch.

Is a drum Loop usable as a sample? Or can I use only single instrument samples (they work perfectly).


I've come across similar issues with loaded samples playing at an unexpected pitch, for me it was usually the transpose setting on the sample page (bottom left on sample page) and from your pictures its set at F7 which seems high, try lowering it to F4 or lower.

Just a guess I'm the expert at nothing! (but I do that quite well)


I wanted to
1. import the original (low quality) drum loop,
2. insert it to a pattern, adjust tempo, to play the whole loop in a single pattern.
3. add high quality drum samples to other channels, in the same note positions.
4. mute the original drums
5. save to .wav at the same speed and total duration.
6. replace the drums in the original song, in an audio mixer.

I think, the most important is the point 2, adjusting speed, pitch and pattern length to the original sample.
I can do it manually, by ear and stopwatch, balancing between higher and lower error levels.
but isn't there really a mathematical way? such as "adjust pattern playing time to the sample length"?


No any fancy ways, all with your hands and head. This is oldschool.
life is darker than it seems

Saga Musix

It's not built into OpenMPT, but this calculator is really handy for all sorts of BPM and sample length related calculations:


In particular, you are probably looking for the "To find the bpm of a loop when its length in milliseconds is known" section.
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