Device issue?

Started by KingWolf, Today at 00:07:38

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I am running into an issue.

It seems I cannot use a device for multiple plugins. I wouldn't normally mind that fact, but for some reason, my system likes to randomly re-order my MIDI devices, causing all of my FX plugins' output devices get shifted since the order they appear in the device list changes. I can eventually fix it, but it is super obnoxious. OpenMPT isn't the only program I see affected by this issue, and I wish I could figure out a real fix on the system itself, but is there a way to programmatically prevent that? Asking for both openMPT sake, and my programs as well. Usually, if I catch it and don't save any changes to the module, I can close and reopen the program, and be unaffected, but sometimes I save out of sheer habit, and then I have to manually change all of the FX output devices again (oops!)