[template] Snare synth (mptm)

Started by Exhale, August 13, 2024, 01:12:58

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Here (attached) I have posted a template I have made to synthesize snare drums directly in ompt.
the following will be the instructions I have included in the comments of the file.


To work with the tone of the snare :
    open up the chorus in the first effect slot,
    adjusting the feedback will make it tighter or longer
    adjusting the delay will change the pitch
    NOTE : there is some cutoff and reso variation built into instrument 2 which is creating the tone

To work with the noise :
    the white noise is created using instrument / sample 1
    to adjust its length you can adjust the carrier release rate in the opl sample or the instrument volume
    it also has a pitch and you can adjust that by manually changing the pitch of the instrument in the pattern
    or by adjusting the frequency multipliers for the carrier or modulator for the sample.

FINAL NOTE : if you go any longer for the sample you are probably going to want to increase the length of the pattern

WHEN DONE : render to sample and copy and paste it into a track you are working on.

~made by Exhale, enjoy :)
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