A new person's introduction

Started by controlleronahanger, July 04, 2024, 14:29:43

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...I don't know how else I can introduce myself if there are any other ways (& sorry if I sound a bit robotic), but here I go.

Hello there! I'm controlleronahanger, a wannabe-jack-of-all-trades who plays games, creates artwork (and other multimedia) & admittedly wastes more time surfing the Web than he'd like to say.
I decided to give OpenMPT a try in May of 2023, after previously messing around with a FastTracker II clone and MilkyTracker, and found it to be a great piece of software! (especially with how you can use the VST plugins you'd use in a DAW)
Recently, I've found myself using OpenMPT to create (& even finish some1) songs more often than the demo of a DAW...I don't exactly know why.2
...Aside from that, I hope I'll be able to showcase & improve on the music I create!

1admittedly I usually only showcase it to only specific servers
2as is for a lot of other things I do, like why I'm typing this way
Nothing like a getaway from modern-day social media, I suppose

Current "Have you heard of this game!?": VIVIDLOPE (Jaklub, 2023)

Saga Musix

Welcome, and enjoy your stay! ;D
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