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to fear_of_dark

Started by Exhale, October 16, 2023, 04:43:03

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I searched the memberlist and couldnt find you... so I am posting here.
I was inspired by your tune "next" in the example songs, and wrote some words for it which I will sing and put into a copy of the song... I will probably post the result on these forums as a song to download, but I just wanted to get the go ahead from you - if none is forthcoming I will simply release it on the forums here and nowhere else, but if you give me the go ahead I might one day release it on my youtube, giving you full credit obviously (which I would prefer to do using your full name and some way for people to find more of your work if possible)...

Before you just say yes, the subject matter for the words is hardcore, brought on my the foreboding of the word "next"... and I wont post them here because the subject matter could very well be very triggering for some people... so please get in contact with me in a PM here if I just didnt know what to look for for your name and you are here somewhere...

Thank you very much for your time.
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Saga Musix

You could try contacting fearofdark (one word) through his Bandcamp:
» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.


Quote from: Saga Musix on October 16, 2023, 16:59:57You could try contacting fearofdark (one word) through his Bandcamp:

thanks i will try that
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