Is it possible to record with microphone in OpenMPT?

Started by Metro28, September 30, 2021, 03:44:16

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Is it possible to record with microphone in OpenMPT?

Saga Musix

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I have for the longest time wished to be able to record audio in the samples editor.. imo, that would make MPT a complete DAW. even to alow for recording 1 min of audio is enough..

The other thing..  horizontal scroll/tracker window option :)

Pomegra Knight

Unsure if anyone will read this, but I recently discovered a free program called Wavepad Sound Editor which lets you easily record from any mic input like Audacity, and you can freely copy/paste from it directly into OpenMPT's sample editor without having to save or export any excess files. It's really useful if you want to record any voice input and has been working great for me so far.
Hope this is useful to someone!  ;D

Saga Musix

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