Using VST3 plug-ins with OpenMPT development

Started by Schmitty2005, November 08, 2020, 00:28:54

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I have not found a recent update on the forums about the status of using VST3's in OpenMPT.

I am asking because NI (Native Instruments) has dropped some VST2 versions of there plugins.  My plug-ins were 'updated' and the VST2 version was removed by NI's Native Access.

I also have Wave's plugins that are all VST3 that I would like to use.   

Does anybody know the current statues of VST 3 in OpenMPT ?

Any suggestions for Free/OpenSource VST 3 to VST2 host, if they make such a thing  ?

Saga Musix

No, there are no immediate plans for VST3 support. Many plugin and host creators didn't make the move because it's a very flawed and at the same time very complex plugin interface. Some VST3 plugins secretly still export a VST2 interface, so even if a plugin claims to just be a VST3 plugin, you can try loading it into OpenMPT.
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Will openmpt support Chinese in the future  :)

Saga Musix

Please do not ask unrelated questions in existing threads; open a new thread for new questions please.

The current code base of OpenMPT doesn't allow for easy localization; it's most likely something that will happen when/if we switch to the Qt framefork for multi-platform support, as it has great localization support.
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Any chance of reconsidering the anti-VST3 stance now that the VST 2.4 SDK is no longer available ?

Saga Musix

There are still plenty of ways to write VST2.4 plugins and people will continue to do so (I'm not a lawyer but I think that a lot of things they claim with regards to what you are allowed to do with the VST2 SDK these days are legally questionable at best).
VST3 is a monster SDK that is terribly complex and noone but Steinberg asked for, and on top of everything, it's either proprietary or GPL-licensed (the latter is incompatible with OpenMPT's BSD license). As long as noone writes a more permissive implementation of the VST3 interface (that may very well be me but I have more important stuff to do at the moment), it's unlikely to happen.
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Quote from: Saga Musix on November 08, 2020, 01:16:57
Some VST3 plugins secretly still export a VST2 interface, so even if a plugin claims to just be a VST3 plugin, you can try loading it into OpenMPT.

Do you have any examples of this actually working, it just saddens me that many new plug-ins is only available in vst3 format only.

Saga Musix

I only tested a few VST3s but it worked with most of them. Lynx, Kx PolyMod, Roland Concerto, SquashIt are a few examples. Not sure if the latest changes to the VST3 SDK still allow for this, most of those files are a couple of years old (but even some plugins from that timeframe don't work so it's not just about age).
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I dont get it, is modplug tracker able to load files ending with *.vst3?
I have not been able to do so.

Saga Musix

VST3 files are just renamed DLL files. Some of them may contain the VSTPluginMain entry point (the function in a DLL file that identifies a plugin to be a VST2 plugin) in addition to the VST3 entry point. If OpenMPT can find that entry pointin the file, it can load it as a VST2 plugin. Otherwise it can't. It's really up to the plugin. Maybe all plugins you tried don't have this additional entry point.
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I have found a VST host program that allows some major  functionality with VST3 and OpenMPT.

This can be loaded as a VST in OpenMPT, allowing for use (bridge) of VST3!

Element VST2/3 Host :

Here is a download link for an older version, available without support :

I was able to use my Waves VST3 delays, reverbs, and compressors and others with no problems.  VST instruments also worked!


thank you very much for element, it is exactly what I was looking for
No longer helping. Do not expect replies.


life is darker than it seems

Saga Musix

If you find it sad and this issue is important to you, you could help by asking Steinberg to license their VST3 SDK from GPL to SDK. That would be the most important step to have any chance for legal VST3 support as long as there are no third-party implementations (which are being worked on as far as I'm aware, but only for plugins at the moment and not for hosts, I think).
Until then, I'll try to get VST shell plugin support into OpenMPT 1.31, which would allow for vst3shell to be used with OpenMPT.
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I dont think, Steinberg will listen me. But anyway new  free and open source plugins comes out in vst3 format mostly and is a future do you want it or not. I like vst2 better, but reality is other -for example I can't open SurgeXT(awesome opensource synth)  in Openmpt. And IMO not many OpenMPT users are hard commercial plugins users. So it is for future of Openmpt ;)
life is darker than it seems