OpenMPT FM+PCM example song compo (extended deadline 2018-11-16)

Started by Saga Musix, July 01, 2018, 20:52:50

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Quote from: ballacr75 on October 23, 2018, 10:16:43
Hi all, here my submission for the compo, my first track with OpenMPT and my first track with S3M!
Have fun
Ballacr75 (Emanuele)
Upload it to
My favourite chord transition: Fmaj9 -> Gadd9 :D (I also like it's ±1 semitone variants)


With all these extensions, can I just resubmit a completely new song? Been very unsatisfied with my current submission which was made only 4 days before the original deadline.

Saga Musix

Sure, that's possible. Sorry about all the unclear deadlines but that's just how open-source development works when there is no time pressure. ;)
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Hi there! I uploaded a song called Sorpladra, made by me, under my shorter user name (on the file) of 1-REDD-1.
I hope to see and other songs made with OPL instruments, because I like to hear songs made with trackers, because many of them are awesome.  :)


I have a question, regarding the uploading of compos. I have another track made by me for FM+PCM example song compo, and I would like to contribute more for the release package of the upcoming version of OpenMPT.
I am allowed to upload more different tracks for the FM+PCM example song compo?

Saga Musix

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Saga Musix


To put some finishing touches on the OPL implementation, I did some volume measurements with real SoundBlaster cards and found that for better S3M compatibility, OPL voices should be a bit more quiet. I have changed this now, and as a new simple rule, you can now expect a single-oscillator OPL voice to be as loud as a single sample when the VSTi and sample preamp sliders are at the same levels.

This means that you have to fix your competition submissions!
First, grab OpenMPT or later from (this is currently being built, it will be available in a few hours).

For S3M files, you will notice that the "VSTi" (i.e. OPL) volume is now at 36 rather than 48. If you could save the value of the VSTi slider in S3M files, the old settings would now be a 64. But since it will always revert back to 36, you need to change the sample pre-amp instead: Multiply the sample volume by 36 and then divide by 64. So if your sample pre-amp was previously set set to 48, it would now be set to 27.

For MPTM files, you can either do the same as for S3M files, or do it the other way around: Multiply the VSTi volume by 64 and then divide by 36.

After you're done, simply submit the file under the same name again.

If I notice that you haven't made those changes until the end of the compo, I might do them myself, but I would appreciate if you could save me from going through each file and editing it.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but that's how pre-release features tend to work... ;)
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Reuploaded with both the volume fix and some more elements to the music ;D. Does it hurt by the fact that the file size increased by 40kb? it's around 242kb
My favourite chord transition: Fmaj9 -> Gadd9 :D (I also like it's ±1 semitone variants)

Saga Musix

You can probably save some KB here and there by converting all samples to 8-bit. after all, 16-bit samples are not even supported by ScreamTracker 3 itself even if they are part of the format specification. So if you are going for S3M format, I would suggest to keep the ST3 limitations in mind - otherwise, you could just as well use MPTM and make use of its sample compression.
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Quote from: Saga Musix on November 12, 2018, 21:26:35
For S3M files, you will notice that the "VSTi" (i.e. OPL) volume is now at 36 rather than 48. If you could save the value of the VSTi slider in S3M files, the old settings would now be a 64. But since it will always revert back to 36, you need to change the sample pre-amp instead: Multiply the sample volume by 36 and then divide by 64. So if your sample pre-amp was previously set set to 48, it would now be set to 27.

For MPTM files, you can either do the same as for S3M files, or do it the other way around: Multiply the VSTi volume by 64 and then divide by 36.

Did you mean divide/multiply by 48? I looked at the code and the change was 6169 instead of 8192, which was 0.753x change and 36/64 is 0.563 :P

Anyways, I'll reupload my old entry with fixed volumes and I might also submit a second entry if I can finish it in time...

Saga Musix

There are two things happening here:

The hardcoded OPL amplification changed from 8192 to 6169 to make one FM operator as loud as one sample voice. This is mostly relevant for MPTM - this is not the difference in volume to make up for S3M levels, it is just to make the whole thing more logical to the user!
So to "undo" this change in S3M and have levels as loud as before (assuming VSTi slider set to 48), we multiply the sample volume by 6169 and divide by 8192, which gives a sample volume of 36.

However, this would assume that the user-definable OPL volume amplification didn't change. But it changed from 48 to 36, so we need to decrease the sample volume even more, we need to multiply by 36 and divide by 48.

Both of these combined are roughly equivalent to multiplying by 36 and then dividing by 64.
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My favourite chord transition: Fmaj9 -> Gadd9 :D (I also like it's ±1 semitone variants)
