Where can i get some good sampled instruments?

Started by Cosmo, August 03, 2012, 04:12:05

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The example song that comes with MPT "evening giow" has some awesome samples. I have also heard music done on MPT on some YT videos where they have some really good samples. Where can i find some of these?

Help is appreciated. :)


Try kiarchive, it's a really decent samplepack with many different samples. To be honest Manwe's "Evening Glow" has no good samples, but Manwe is great musician and can produce awesome sounds from lofi instruments.
http://jakim.pl/ - my site, here you will find my music, apps and some other stuff, welcome!

Saga Musix

What Jakim said - KIArchive and Waveworld are a great way to get a bunch of samples, I still use them today. In OpenMPT's Help menu, there is also an entry called "Web Resources". Click it and it will show you a list of hand-selected websites with useful resources, including sample sites. Also try the free samples topic stickied at the top of this forum.
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These seem to come in torrent files. I am going to risk getting potentially yelled at here, but i don't trust using torrents. I tried one in the past and they gave me virtumonde. Any way i could get a non-torrent file of all these samples? Or am i just looking in the wrong place? Unless you can reccomend a good safe torrent file that you know is not harmful to the computer. Otherwise i'll take a non-torrent version if possible.


One thing I like to do is download free vsts and soundfonts and sample them myself. It's an easy ways to get free samples.

Saga Musix

Quote from: Cosmo on August 22, 2012, 19:36:37
These seem to come in torrent files. I am going to risk getting potentially yelled at here, but i don't trust using torrents. I tried one in the past and they gave me virtumonde. Any way i could get a non-torrent file of all these samples?
Say, do you even know what a torrent is? A torrent can contain any kind of data. Sure, if you are stupid enough to download your pr0n / warez / other illegal stuff through torrents and trust any .exe file that you download that way  blindly, it's only logical that your system gets infected within seconds.
Our ModArchive Kiarchive / WaveWorld torrents only contain .wav samples. Samples are not executable files and can thus not infect your system with a virus.
I hope that was clear enough.
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I was talking about the torrents things. I don't know what they are called, but they are the things that extract torrents. Okay, maybe these didn't do it, but i do remember getting virtumonde at the time and it may have been the file i downloaded at the time, but i am no expert on this stuff, so i don't know. It was a long time ago anyway. Sorry if i offended you or anything. But yeah. What kind of torrent extractor or whatever they call it do you suggest i use?


i think you should google up wikipedia about torrents, then you will get a decent idea what are we talking about, instead of all these gathered or guessed broken misinformation. It will take about two or three minutes. It may save your life one day.
I'm as calm as a synth without a player.  (Sam_Zen)


You guys are being major dickheads, i swear!  >_> I tried to be friendly about it, but you just shit all over me cause of one little mistake. I tend to worry about how things turn out sometimes, and you just shit all over me for it.


we gave you sources where you can find samples. Furthermore we gave you simple and easy instructions how to improve your lacking knowledge about general internet terms. This makes us major dickheads. Well, i lean something new every day it seems.

Btw, explaining general terms that has been properly described on many sites would be a waste of internet storage imho, and definitely not modplug related.
I'm as calm as a synth without a player.  (Sam_Zen)


No, you and Saga were taunting me for apparently being a moron who didn't check up his facts. Just look at that snarky way you put "It will take about two or three minutes. It may save your life one day." That's being a dickhead. The whole post is like that, and saga merely yelled at me for being an apparent moron.


not that im not having fun, but instead of fighting us and your feelings, wouldn't it be easier to look up the facts and once you cleared them up, get back to your original question?

I've honestly meant that it will take you two or three minute to get a decent idea about torrents in general and how they work by searching it up on wikipedia. Asking this general question in forums may put you in wait for answer for several hours or more. Not the most efficient strategy if you ask me.
I'm as calm as a synth without a player.  (Sam_Zen)


Okay, then. I can accept that. I apologize for my actions. I have calmed down a bit since then as well, but yeah. Many people who use words like that are often assholes so it just came off that way to me, just seemed snarky somehow, i apologize, but it just seemed that way to me at the moment.

Saga Musix

Quote from: Cosmo on August 23, 2012, 00:52:12I don't know what they are called, but they are the things that extract torrents.
How about "torrent client"?
If you need a client with a good reputation so that you can trust that it's not full of spyware, get Opera (yes, it's a browser, but it also has a built-in torrent client), or if you prefer free open source software, check out Deluge
» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.


my opinion uTorrent is the best torrent client...