Awesome Music Videos

Started by LPChip, January 21, 2007, 20:15:38

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Salut Salon "Wettstreit zu viert" / "Competitive Foursome":
sorry for my bad English


This Song is absolutley amazing, believe me.

And the video toooo



I started to cry when I watched this video the first time:

Robin Williams - "Seize the Day" - by Melodysheep

Rest in peace, "O Captain! My Captain".... :'(
sorry for my bad English


Not sure if this has been posted before, but this is a good example why sharing making music with someone else enhances the experience.

Lovely music and awesome setting as well.
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs

Saga Musix

I might have posted it before, but even if not, it's a good (re)post. Excellent jam session.
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A beautiful autotune work created by MelodySheep on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope:
sorry for my bad English


The outstanding live performance of an all-time classic:
sorry for my bad English


Recently I rediscovered my "old love" for the British prog-rock band Marillion and I've found the (relatively new) live performances of two of my favourites on YouTube:

The Great Escape

Seasons End
sorry for my bad English


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I've been streaming live jams on youtube using modplug as a drum base, check them out: - my channel - one I streamed 8 minutes ago.

I'd like to get a camera on the keyboard too and change scenes for it, but small steps, I just started.
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Saga Musix

My Moon - technically not a music video, but a short film entirely made using open-source software. Guess which tool was used to create the music. ;)
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Alice (Midori)

I like how there are no audio effects in external shots, as in there's no medium the sound could travel through in the space. Realistic touch!

Also not sure if this was posted earlier, but it's a pretty cool and cheesy video (so is the song)
Tracker and synth music enjoyer
An internet potato


These tracks were made on 2 Amiga's and Octamed back in 1993. They used a lollipop stick contraption to play both computers in sinc. I used to talk to the guy on Facebook that was "Mole the Dipper". All his tracks were made this way up until 1994. Also see "Bizzy B", "Red Alert and Mike Slammer" stuff from around 1993. It was all made the same way ON TRACKERS!  8)

Someone has put this vid to go along with the first 2 (No.1 Takes a while to get going) (Eye of the Dinosaur) (Eye of the Dinosaur remix from early 94) (More Mole the Dipper Amiga madness!) (This samples a UK Sitcom from the 70's called "On the Buses")

There are SO many tracks from the early 90's that were made on TRACKERS and shaped "Electronic" music as we know today. My list goes on... But I won't bore you lol  :P

Now. I'm not 100% on this. But I was a member of "Dogs on Acid" many years ago. Breakage did a Q&A on it in about 2002-ish? I seem to recall he made all his tracks on Modplug as it was called at the time... This was made around that time I believe?

*note tracks 1 & 2 were most probably done on a midi sequencer and a hardware sampler* (Original mix) 1992 (Remix from 1992) (Breakage Remix from 2000 ish made in modplug?...) Dodgy audio compression on this vid...

Edit by Mod: Merged 2 posts that were posted in less than 24 hours of eachother.


People forget the pre Drum n bass era so I would like to share some tracks...

Been trying to make stuff like this in OpenMpt recently... Let... your... mind... recline...     (THE PADS IN THIS! (DROOOOOL...  :P )

It's all 'bout those lovely pads...  8)

Forgot this  ;D

Edit by mod: Merged 3 posts together that were posted in a row within less than 24 hours. Also, it appears there is a bug in the forum software. The last 3 posts where posted on September 7th, but somehow got the date and time stamp changed when I merged the posts above it.