[Synthpop] Forest And City (ogg,mptm)

Started by Suumar-21-Taw, July 01, 2024, 03:22:48

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After enjoying Chiptrackers,I started yo make it on 1st May.
Plugins reqiured:
Vital (pipe.vital isn't used)
TAL Reverb 2,TAL Reverb 4
Valhalla Freq Echo
(DirectX Media Audio Effects) Compressor
Trackers can also become mainstream DAWs

Saga Musix

Downloading the file appears to require a user account. You could try using a service like wetransfer.com which does not require an account (for both uploading and downloading). Files expire for a while but from what I could gather from the automatic translation, the Baidu link also will expire after a year.
» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.


Thanks for the reminder.When I started sharing, I was worried about whether it can be accepted by the forum members.
Trackers can also become mainstream DAWs