Export Volumes Wrong

Started by corlenbelspar, October 12, 2021, 22:14:53

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I must be doing something wrong because if I use OPL3 instruments with sample instruments and export to WAV/MP3/ETC then the samples are suddenly significantly louder than they are in OpenMPT.

Saga Musix

Maybe you could provide a minimal example file that exposes the problem. It could be some dynamic compression going on in your sound driver that is affected by the high DC offset generated by OPL instruments, and depending on which sound driver is chosen in OpenMPT you might be circumventing that compression or not.
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This is the file that is specifically causing the issue along with a WAV export showing how it's incorrct. The timpani instrument is a sample instrument and the rest are OPL3. I have to set the sample volume setting to 80 for it to actually be around the volume I want when exported to WAV. Anything louder starts to quickly become deafening. Seems to be a sample related issue because even when I delete all the OPL3 instruments, samples still end up rendering a lot louder to WAV than OpenMPT is playing. Be careful when you play the attached song. It's a really bad song on purpose and it might be painful at higher volumes without warning.

Saga Musix

Hmm yeah, that appears to be a side effect of exporting the song to mono, which causes some settings to be ignored when calculating the final sample volume. For the time being, you'll have to export a stereo WAV/FLAC file and convert that to mono (in OpenMPT's sample editor or any other external sample editor). This will definitely be fixed for OpenMPT 1.30, not sure if there will be a backport for OpenMPT 1.29 as this will also have impliciations for libopenmpt (and we only plan to have at most one more 1.29 release if all goes well anyway).
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Oh thanks. I didn't even realize it was exporting to mono, but yeah that fixed it.