[Classic] Agur Mari

Started by rncekel, October 02, 2019, 11:04:23

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Around 1730 JS Bach wrote the Prelude 1 from "Das wohltemperierte Klavier". Some 140 years later, C Gounod used this prelude as accompaniement for a melody he wrote, and that became "Ave Maria", by Bach-Gounod. Another 140 years later, I decided to append my name to the list. The arpeggios from Bach have been transformed into a five-strings chords; the voice of Gounod, with substancial changes sounds in the clarinet, and I have added my own seventh voice on top of all, played by flute.
About the title: Agur is a spanish-euzkera word that means "bye" (Ave in latin is hello); Mari is the name of an pre-christian euzkera goddess.
You can find the music here:


I hope you like it