[Unknown Genre] Derstand (.it)

Started by nikku4211, March 15, 2019, 19:34:03

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Here's my new Derstand song.

9 months in the making. Song itself is almost 4 minutes long.

I don't know what genre to call it. It uses music boxes for its main melody, it has strings backing up in 2-note chords, but its bass is a single-cycle waveform, and it has drums.
I could say it's chiptune since it is an .IT that was made to be converted into the Super Nintendo with SNESMOD, but that only describes mere technicality. Nobody would think of 'chiptune' based on what they hear.
You could say it's electronic because it's made in OpenMPT, but that applies to all songs made in OpenMPT and still doesn't necessarily describe from an audio point of view.
The song does not seem to fit any of the genre descriptions in the official musical genre listing.

Let's not let the issue of what genre this song is in overshadow the song itself, though.