[ambient] Denver Internaltional Airport (youtube)

Started by uncloned, December 24, 2017, 15:42:32

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I took advantage of a trip for work to grab a lot of video and photos to use.  This piece uses a Linnstrument performance, with the DAW Sonar, and softsynths Strobe 2, Spectral 1 and ACE. BTW, if you haven't heard, Sonar, which is currently owned by Gibson, has stopped development, and its future is uncertain. Sadly enough it just celebrated its 30 year anniversary.



very nice sounds!

and I must admit that you've inspired me to spend some time on studying microtonal theories (I hope I will have enough time and consequence to use them finally in my own compositions). 

Louigi Verona

Alice (Midori)

Tracker and synth music enjoyer
An internet potato



I want to thank you also. I think micro- and xentonalities have been still largely overlooked for no reason, and without good people like you the world would be considerably more dull. :)
Feel free to correct my English.
Music & sounds: [Freesound] [SoundCloud] [Direct links to music]


Thanks, have you tried microtuning modplug tracker yet? I think it is great that microtonality is a feature!


Feel free to correct my English.
Music & sounds: [Freesound] [SoundCloud] [Direct links to music]