[Indie Rock] Riversong (mp3) Warning contains profane lyrics

Started by blain, November 19, 2009, 11:05:24

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Here we go, something a bit more energetic.


The song combines a real band with modtracker arrangements. It takes a while for the modtrack stuff to kick in but you'll hear it. By the end of the song everything's loud and crashin with the synths, guitars, buzzing bass etc...

Warning: Lyrics do contain profanity. If this isn't your sort of thing, please skip this track.


A warning about profane content ? Come one, test me..
This is a good regular song.


Haha thanks. Only a few bad words in there, but not too overdone I hope.


sorry, I forgot to comment. I actually listened to it when you first posted it.
Listening again.

You sound a bit like Bowie ~1:30 !

Nice tune. Very good production and a wonderful voice.

This composition has some good complexity  - I like that :-)


Thank you for listening. Haha I think I can hear the Bowie bit.