Days Have Eyes?

Started by Really Weird Person, January 14, 2008, 03:25:38

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Really Weird Person

Did you know that days have eyes? Look at this.
I wonder if the eye of a day is similar to a human's eye or the eye of a storm.
I think that I can see why HTML coding is off. It is because it does not actually work? I am the member of a forum that has HTML on, but it does not work. BBCode works just fine, but HTML does not work at all.


In case you didn't know, Daisy (the flower) is only open during the day when its corolla spreads to embrace the warming rays of the sun. Hence "eye of the day". I suppose that peculiar behaviour makes it more similar to a human's eye that that of a storm or a potato. In most ways however, it's not similar at all.

Really Weird Person

Ah, I see. I have not done extensive research on flowers, but perhaps you have. I do not quite recognize the word corolla either. Let's see here (goes to and looks up corolla). It appears that it is not a new word. Let's see if Word likes it. Yep, it does. Try this though. Spork, after typing that in Word (and getting a spelling error), go to and scroll down approximately half way.