Setting waveform tremolo to square (S42)

Started by FWL, February 26, 2025, 21:51:14

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Hello everyone,

I can't seem to set the waveform for tremolo (Rxx) to square with the command S42. The other waveforms work. Setting the square wave does work for vibrato (Hxx) with S3x and for panbrello (Yxx) with S5x. At least then I can hear the effect clearly. With tremolo I can't hear the effect. I'm using the latest release of OPENMPT and use the OPENMPT format and use a single cycle sample as an instrument. The pattern setup is like this:

etc. etc.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Saga Musix

Impulse Tracker's square waveform always adds to the volume, it never subtracts, so for a note playing at full volume, it won't do anything.
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