Fix error mod to midi OpenMPT

Started by beauharlan, August 08, 2024, 04:25:45

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Hi, I'm having trouble exporting module files to midi inside OpenMPT. Every time I export the file, the result is the same as the attached video link (I don't know how to post a YouTube link).

I've received suggestions like exporting a private channel but I don't know how to do it. Any guidance from anyone. Thank.

Saga Musix

There is no automagic MOD to MIDI conversion that will create good-sounding conversions without manual effort. MOD files contain no information about which MIDI instrument would be a good represenation for that sample, so in the MIDI conversion dialog, you have to go through each instrument one by one and choose a MIDI instrument that sounds closest to the sound that you need. This is particularly necessary for drum samples, which need to be mapped to the corresponding MIDI drum kit notes. There's no one-click solution for this.
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