Displaying the Rows in Symbolic Formatting

Started by Really Weird Person, May 21, 2006, 22:20:40

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Do you like the idea of having symbolic formatting for ModPlug Tracker's row display?

0 (0%)
0 (0%)
What are symbols?
1 (16.7%)
I do not understand what you are talking about.
1 (16.7%)
I do not think that it would work.
0 (0%)
I like the idea, but not the idea of having commas for thousand separators.
0 (0%)
I do not like the idea at all.
1 (16.7%)
It is a great idea.
1 (16.7%)
It would be too confusing to follow.
1 (16.7%)
Did Casey give you this idea? If so, it is not wonder that she is the weirdest!
1 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: May 21, 2006, 22:32:08

Really Weird Person

Do you know what would be interesting, I think? I will tell you now. Having the ability to display the rows in symbolic formatting (), !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, !), !!, !@, !#, !$, !%, !^, !&, !*, !(, @)...). Where the symbols equal numbers (so far, that is 0 - 20 (1 - 21) (!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, !), !!, !@, !#, !$, !%, !^, !&, !*, !(, @), @!)).

The actual fomatting would be as follows:

! @ # $ % ^ & * ( !) !! !@ !# !$ !% !^ !& !* !( @) @! @@ @# @$ @% @^ @& @* @( #) #! #@ ## #$ #% #^ #& #* #( $) $! $@ $# $$ $% $^ $& $* $( %) %! %@ %# %$ %% %^ %& %* %( ^) ^! ^@ ^# ^$ ^% ^^ ^& ^* ^( &) &! &@ &# &$ &% &^ && &* &( *) *! *@ *# *$ *% *^ *& ** *( () (! (@ (# ($ (% (^ (& (* (( !)) !)! !)@ !)# !)$ !)% !)^ !)& !)* !)( !!) !!! !!@ !!# !!$ !!% !!^ !!& !!* !!( !@) !@! !@@ !@# !@$ !@% !@^ !@& !@* !@( !#) !#! !#@ !## !#$ !#% !#^ !#& !#* !#( !$) !$! !$@ !$# !$$ !$% !$^ !$& !$* !$( !%) !%! !%@ !%# !%$ !%% !%^ !%& !%* !%( !^) !^! !^@ !^# !^$ !^% !^^ !^& !^* !^( !&) !&! !&@ !&# !&$ !&% !&^ !&& !&* !&( !*) !*! !*@ !*# !*$ !*% !*^ !*& !** !*( !() !(! !(@ !(# !($ !(% !(^ !(& !(* !(( @)) @)! @)@ @)# @)$ @)% @)^ @)& @)* @)( @!) @!! @!@ @!# @!$ @!% @!^ @!& @!* @!( @@) @@! @@@ @@# @@$ @@% @@^ @@& @@* @@( @#) @#! @#@ @## @#$ @#% @#^ @#& @#* @#( @$) @$! @$@ @$# @$$ @$% @$^ @$& @$* @$( @%) @%! @%@ @%# @%$ @%% @%^ @%& @%* @%( @^) @^! @^@ @^# @^$ @^% @^^ @^& @^*@^( @&) @&! @&@ @&# @&$ @&% @&^ @&& @&* @&( @*) @*! @*@ @*# @*$ @*^ @*& @** @*( @() @(! @(@ @(# @($ @(% @(^ @(& @(* @(( #)) #)! #)@ #)# #)$ #)% #)^ #)& #)* #)( #!) #!! #!@ #!# #!$ #!% #!^ #!& #!* #!( #@) #@! #@@ #@# #@$ #@% #@^ #@&#@* #@( ##) ##! ##@ ### ##$ ##% ##^ ##& ##* ##( #$) #$! #$@ #$# #$$ #$% #$^ #$& #$* #$( #%) #%! #%@ #%# #%$#%% #%^ #%& #%* #%( #^) #^! #^@ #^# #^$ #^% #^^ #^& #^* #^( #&) #&! #&@ #&# #&$ #&% #&^ #&& #&* #&( #*) #*! #*@ #*# #*$ #*% #*^ #*& #** #*( #() #(! #(@ #(# #($ #(% #(^ #(& #(* #(( $)) $)! $)@ $)# $)$ $)% $)^ $)& $)* $)( $!) $!! $!@ $!# $!$ $!% $!^ $!& $!* $!( $@) $@! $@@ $@# $@$ $@% $@^ $@& $@* $@( $#) $#! $#@ $## $#$ $#% $#^ $#& $#* $#( $$) $$! $$@ $$# $$$ $$% $$^ $$& $$* $$( $%) $%! $%@ $%# $%$ $%% $%^ $%& $%* $%( $^) $^! $^@ $^# $^$ $^% $^^ $^& $^* $^( $&) $&! $&@ $&# $&$ $&% $&^ $&& $&* $&( $*) $*! $*@ $*# $*$ $*% $*^ $*& $** $*( $() $(! $(@ $(# $($ $(% $(^ $(& $(* $(( %)) %)! %)@ %)# %)$ %)% %)^ %)& %)* %)( %!) %!! %!@ %!# %!$ %!% %!^ %!& %!* %!( %@) %@! %@@ %@# %@$ %@% %@^ %@& %@* %@( %#) %#! %#@ %## %#$ %#% %#^ %#& %#* %#( %$) %$! %$@ %$# %$$ %$% %$^ %$& %$* %$( %%) %%! %%@ %%# %%$ %%% %%^ %%& %%* %%( %^) %^! %^@ %^# %^$ %^% %^^ %^& %^* %^( %&) %&! %&@ %&# %&$ %&% %&^ %&& %&* %&( %*) %*! %*@ %*# %*$ %*% %*^ %*& %** %*( %() %(! %(@ %(# %($ %(% %(^ %(& %(* %(( ^)) ^)! ^)@ ^)# ^)$ ^)% ^)^ ^)& ^)* ^)( ^!) ^!! ^!@ ^!# ^!$ ^!% ^!^ ^!& ^!* ^!( ^@) ^@! ^@@ ^@# ^@$ ^@% ^@^ ^@& ^@* ^@( ^#) ^#! ^#@ ^## ^#$ ^#% ^#^ ^#& ^#* ^#( ^$) ^$! ^$@ ^$# ^$$ ^$% ^$^ ^$& ^$* ^$( ^%) ^%! ^%@ ^%# ^%$ ^%% ^%^ ^%& ^%* ^%( ^^) ^^! ^^@ ^^# ^^$ ^^% ^^^ ^^& ^^* ^^( ^&) ^&! ^&@ ^&# ^&$ ^&% ^&^ ^&& ^&* ^&( ^*) ^*! ^*@ ^*# ^*$ ^*% ^*^ ^*& ^** ^*( ^() ^(! ^(@ ^(# ^($ ^(% ^(^ ^(& ^(* ^(( &)) &)! &)@ &)# &)$ &)% &)^ &)& &)* &)( &!) &!! &!@ &!# &!$ &!% &!^ &!& &!* &!( &@) &@! &@@ &@# &@$ &@% &@^ &@& &@* &@( &#) &#! &#@ &## &#$ &#% &#^ &#& &#* &#( &$) &$! &$@ &$# &$$ &$% &$^ &$& &$* &$( &%) &%! &%@ &%# &%$ &%% &%^ &%& &%* &%( &^) &^! &^@ &^# &^$ &^% &^^ &^& &^* &^( &&) &&! &&@ &&# &&$ &&% &&^ &&& &&* &&( &*) &*! &*@ &*# &*$ &*% &*^ &*& &** &*( &() &(! &(@ &(# &($ &(% &(^ &(& &(* &(( *)) *)! *)@ *)# *)$ *)% *)^ *)& *)* *)( *!) *!! *!@ *!# *!$ *!% *!^ *!& *!* *!( *@) *@! *@@ *@# *@$ *@% *@^ *@* *@( *#) *#! *#@ *## *#$ *#% *#^ *#& *#* *#( *$) *$! *$@ *$# *$$ *$% *$^ *$& *$* *$( *%) *%! *%@ *%# *%$ *%% *%^ *%& *%* *%( *^) *^! *^@ *^# *^$ *^% *^^ *^& *^* *^( *&) *&! *&@ *&# *&$ *&% *&^ *&& *&* *&( **) **! **@ **# **$ **% **^ **& *** **( *() *(! *(@ *(# *($ *(% *(^ *(& *(* *(( ()) ()! ()@ ()# ()$ ()% ()^ ()& ()* ()( (!) (!! (!@ (!# (!$ (!% (!^ (!& (!* (!( (@) (@! (@@ (@# (@$ (@% (@^ (@& (@* (@( (#) (#! (#@ (## (#$ (#% (#^ (#& (#* (#( ($) ($! ($@ ($# ($$ ($% ($^ ($& ($* ($( (%) (%! (%@ (%# (%$ (%% (%^ (%& (%* (%( (^) (^! (^@ (^# (^$ (^% (^^ (^& (^* (^( (&) (&! (&@ (&# (&$ (&% (&^ (&& (&* (&( (*) (*! (*@ (*# (*$ (*% (*^ (*& (** (*( (() ((! ((@ ((# (($ ((% ((^ ((& ((* ((( !<))) !<))! !<))@ !<))# !<))$ !<))% !<))^ !<))& !<))* !<))( !<)!) !<)!! !<)!@ !<)!# !<)!$ !<)!% !<)!^ !<)!& !<)!* !<)!( !<)@) !<)@! !<)@@ !<)@# !<)@$

The less-than signs equal commas (,).

That way, you would have three options.

1. Decimal numbers
2. Hexadecimal numbers
3. Symbolic numbers (Choices one and three should include commas. They are not needed in hexadecimal formatting.)


Here, have a :nuts:

I love the idea even though neo-vegetarianism makes more sense to me.
I'll never make sword-chucks...
Update - 2013 I still havent made sword-chuks.
Update - 2021 What the hell are sword-chuks? :((

Really Weird Person

I like your nuts emoticon. It is quite hillarious (especially once I found out that it means nuts).

Really Weird Person

To answer the poll's question, Kasey did not give me the idea, I did. However, she is the weirdest. If she had the idea, good for her. But she was not the source of me getting the idea. If she had the idea, she probably got it from Alyson, who got it from Christian, who got it from Cody, who got it from Paul, who used the forum and got the idea from that. What was all of that weirdness about? I have no idea, but Kasey is the weirdest! As for the others, Christian is weirder, Cody is weird, Paul is the weirdestest. And Alyson, I am not sure where she fits into that, but I thought I would throw her name in for the fun of it. All of the people listed in this post are juniors (starting next school year) except for Cody and Christian. I will be a sophomore.


I think the outcome of the poll would be more easy to read if you hadn't given that much choises that basically all say the same (yes or no)...

I voted for no, because its too confusing, and i don't like it. I'm not that sure if its possible at all, and will require way too many changes that will make this a simple change. Cus I think that the grid control is a simple control that just uses display's its index number. It will require a whole conversion script for something that is practically not usefull for the tracker.

This program was ment to make music with, not to change to make the user more confused than he already is IMHO.
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs


It's also a problem because of different keyboard layouts.



Really Weird Person

Someone actually voted for the last option! :lol: I did not expect that! :wink:

Really Weird Person

I personally do not like that layout (the one with the six having the ampersand (shift + 7) being the shift function. That is beyond my level of weirdness. It may not be beyond Kasey's level though. Remember that she is the weirdest!