I've been published.

Started by KrazyKatz, July 10, 2011, 13:08:30

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The IGDA (International Game Developers Association), published an article of mine on Sound Design:


My aim was to give a perspective to people at how important sound is in games, and how little it is recognized.

Sonic Brilliance Studios


Very interesting article. :)

And congrats for getting it published. :)
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs


Sonic Brilliance Studios

Saga Musix

Nice read, although there hasn't been anything new for me in it. Maybe it would have been more interesting to me if it had just a few more personal experiences and anecdotes.
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kit beats

Yeah pretty awesome artical, congrats :)
"get the piece sounding pristine." - KrazyKats
..Like this one, definatly got the Sam Zen
individuality in it... - Asharin


Interesting article.  I always find myself listening to background music (TV, movies, etc. -- not much of a game player anymore, but years ago would play Doom for hours at a stretch), but obviously it's not conscious for most people.

I sometimes listen to Cinemagic on XM radio.  Frankly, many movie soundtracks simply don't sound that impressive without the visual, so it's interesting to see how they complement each other.  On the other hand, in some movies the music is just spectacular --  I heard some of the Magnificent Seven for the first time in a long time the other day and had forgotten how good that was.

Anyway, thanks for the article.  Glad to see you're doing well in the music\sound business.