ModPlug Central

Community => General Chatter => Topic started by: Squirrel Havoc on March 19, 2006, 00:43:38

Title: [Totally OT]Request for Nintendo DS WiFi Users
Post by: Squirrel Havoc on March 19, 2006, 00:43:38
Hello, we really need an off topic forum for stuff like this. Anyway, I finally got my wireless router up and running again, so I am able to play mario kart and tony hawk for the DS online again, and I am kinda sick of the way the friends list is setup. You can't decide to add someone you are playing with to the friends list, it has to be done offline, so I am asking anyone who doesnt mind playing against someone who really sucks to add me to their friends list (and post your friend code so I can do the same). I mostly play on mario kart, but I also have tony hawk, which I am better at, but still not good.

Anyway, friend code is: 244873413982

Happy karting!