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Started by Relabsoluness, December 01, 2007, 14:26:19

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OpenMPT development build is available for testing from*checkout*/modplug/trunk/OpenMPT/mptrack/bin/mptrack.exe?revision=194

Note that for the time being this isn't available in sourceforge download page and the update check doesn't 'know' about this build(and thus won't inform of it). Changes in this build:

[New] Windows keys can be used as modifiers in the keyboard configuration(disables Windows start menu pop-up if used in the active keyboard configuration)."
[New] Name filter in plugin selection dialog.
[Imp] Improved preset navigation in VST window.
[Imp] Improvements in IT compatible play.
[Imp] Improvements in user defined tuning modes.
[Fix] Fixed possible unnotified file overwriting when saving unsaved file.
[Fix] Fixed wrong version number in IT files saved with compatibility save.
[Fix] Fixed broken note preview for certain type of instruments in instrument tab.
[Fix] Fixed possible crash when exporting wav in channel mode with long channel name.
[Fix] Fixed channel position jump when clicking VST box in channel header.
[Fix] Fixed possible searching of wrong parameter in pattern search
[Misc] Update check disabled and miscellaneous other changes.

Saga Musix

Some things that have to be improved in this build:

This msgbox appears twice when i try to start the build:

It does not occur if i rename the tuning folder.

The VST window is too small if the VST has no GUI:
» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.


Good to see that things are moving forward. Very positive. I have not encountererd Jojo's problem, but I've only started it so far and have not tested it much.


2 Jojo

The messagebox is due to unrecognised tuning files. You can for example copy the tuning folder from release package of .48, or if don't use the tuning things, simply renaming/deleting the tuning folder might fix it without any additional problems.

The second problems seems to be direct consequence of the 'vst preset navigation improvement'-thing; to be fixed.

Saga Musix

I can't recall changing any tuning settings (i don't use them), so they should be the original .48 ones... I'll try downloading the old files.
» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.


Quote from: "Jojo"
The VST window is too small if the VST has no GUI:
it also happens with VSt that have GUI.
Besides I experienced several VSTi crashes with some specific functions, ompt closes itself without a message... see ya in the bug report sections!

But I'm glad the development is still active, thanks you guys! the filter in vst load menu is rather interesting...
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Quote from: "Jojo"I can't recall changing any tuning settings (i don't use them), so they should be the original .48 ones... I'll try downloading the old files.
Can you confirm this? I've tested this with more than one machine with .48 files and it has worked fine. My guess would be that the files are from the 'RC3'-build.

Quote from: "le_parasite"
Quote from: "Jojo"
The VST window is too small if the VST has no GUI:
it also happens with VSt that have GUI.
I looked all VSTs I have, and couldn't notice one VST with GUI in which the window was too small.

Quote from: "le_parasite"Besides I experienced several VSTi crashes with some specific functions, ompt closes itself without a message... see ya in the bug report sections!
'Specific functions'? Does the crashes crashes occur only in this build?

Anyway, thanks for the reports - pity there's is so much to report about.

Saga Musix

ModPlug is now able to start again with the original .48 files. ;)
» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.


testing it for the first time just now and it seems like performance has been improved.
looks and sounds nice so far  :)
10 years on ModPlug... f#cking hell...

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Quote from: "BooT-SectoR-ViruZ"testing it for the first time just now and it seems like performance has been improved.
Interesting. Is there some specific aspect where the performance seems improved?


For eager testers, there is new build( available in SVN repository. List of changes is below. The long list doesn't mean massive new features, I'm just being detailed here :)

NOTE: A major bug has been found in .50 (bug report).

[New] Ability to control plug params with MIDI controllers
      -Very basic model with limited and annoying GUI and usability.
      -For the time being, only for 'live'-controlling; no ability to insert pattern commands with it.
      -No pitch bender mapping

[New] Ability to pass MIDI to plugin.
      -Enable from setup->midi

[Imp] Ability to take MIDI volume into account when playing notes with MIDI keyboard.
      -Enabled from setup->midi

[New] Ability to start/continue/stop play with certain MIDI messages (0xFA, 0xFB, 0xFC)
      -Untested. If you can test this, results would be appreciated.
      -If this works, it should work only in pattern tab.

[Fix/Imp] Fix for volume command behavior for plugins; in addition now there are options how to interpret it.
      -Note: By default, the old buggy behavior is emulated for existing files - emulation can be disable from song properties.
      -In effect: VST volume control may now be possible simply with the familiar volume commands without any macros.
      Note, though, a significant difference in volume handling: plug volume is plug specific, not channel specific. So for example in
      If instrument 01 has VSTi plug, the volume fade affects the VSTi volume thus affecting both channels, while when using ordinary samples, only the note in the first channel fades out.

[Imp] Keyshortcut for preset navigation jumps in VST editor.

[Mod] .bak files won't be shown anymore in load dialog with 'All modules' filter.

[Mod] MPTm files saved with this version should open as IT-files in previous versions

[Fix/Mod] Instrument random variation fix/behavior change.
      -Note: By default, old behavior is used for existing files. New behavior can be enabled from song properties.

[Fix] Fix for pattern duplicate for small patterns
[Fix] Fix for ini-settings related crash.
[Fix] Show row playtime didn't on certain cases work on first pattern row.

[Fix] Fix for faulty play on "noteless notes" in IT compatible playmode

[Fix] Pattern number box didn't open pattern properties when using MPTm.

[Fix] Fixed wrong MIDI CC names in macro editor.

[Fix] Possible crash when loading/saving MPTm with more than 64 channels.

And various other changes/fixes. Please note that this is a development build not thoroughly tested.

The exe-hashes
MD5  : 0fa4239eaf13893dc45b8ebdf6bff221    mptrack.exe
SHA-1: 141d3df60be235d453e37c7082575d3c0f95d714    mptrack.exe


Where can I download the new build?

I don't know how to accesse the SVN Repository. :)
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs


Quote from: "LPChip"Where can I download the new build?
See first post. Replace 194 with 198 in the link.

Saga Musix

» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.


Got it.
I don't use VST or MIDI, so I can't be a help of any testing there, so I concentrated first on playback.

I think BSV got a point. It's vague of course, but I got the impression, that somehow the sound-quality
has improved. In the fields of dynamics and clarity. More 'body' one could say.
I only have one beta running, so can't compare with the previous ones. But I can with the regular RC2 one,
and the ole MPPlayer.

I did this testing with a track of Louigi Verona : "At ModPlug Central", an IT file to be found at

Maybe it's a good idea for a beta-testing, that, next to specific personal issues and use,
there are some 'standard' files, in consensus, to be used in some areas of the performance testing process.
I vote for this one.