OpenMPT 1.19 releases

Started by Saga Musix, March 27, 2011, 12:50:47

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Saga Musix

Hi all,
OpenMPT is now officially released. Please report how you get on with the new version.


Noteworthy new features

  • Clicking and dragging the row numbers in the pattern editor selects the whole row now
  • The new keyboard shortcuts "Select beat" and "Select measure" can be used to automatically extend the current pattern selection to the beat / measure boundaries.
  • Find / Replace mode: Find in current pattern selection
  • New sample editor tools: Create seamless sample loops, sample grid, quick fade
  • Many improvements in VST hosting
  • New mix mode "compatible" for MOD/S3M/XM/IT files (please use this always when working with those formats)
  • Edit history information can now be read from and saved to IT / MPTM files.
  • Each pattern can now have a custom time signature (rows per beat and rows per measure) in the MPTM format which can be set from the pattern properties dialog.
  • WAV Export: Sample-exact cue points are now written at each pattern transition.
  • Most MPT hacks in modules can now be found through View -> Find MPT Hacks in Song.

And here's the full changelog:

v1.19.01.00 (April 2011, revision 836)

Pattern tab
   [New] <Jojo> Clicking and dragging the row numbers selects the whole row in Excel / Calc style (
   [New] <Jojo> The new keyboard shortcuts "Select beat" and "Select measure" can be used to automatically extend the current selection to the beat / measure boundaries.
   [New] <Jojo> Experimental feature: Play the whole pattern row when entering notes and chords into the pattern editor. This can be enabled from the setup screen.
   [Mod] <Jojo> Using the Goto Dialog updates channel parameters and sets the elapsed time now. (
   [Mod] <Jojo> Undo steps have been increased from 100 to 1000.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Shrink selection is more consistent with Shrink pattern now: Entries on odd rows are not ignored anymore if there is no entry in the even rows. Also, cleaning of the pattern after shrinking the selection has been fixed - it cleaned whole commands instead of just the selected parts of a command. (
   [Fix] <Jojo> Cursor paste was possible even when editing was disabled.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Using Right-Click -> Change Plugin on PC notes did not work for plugin numbers that were higher than the highest instrument number.
   [Fix] <Jojo> When entering chords into the pattern editor, the module was only marked as modified if the base note of the chord was changed.
   [Fix] <Jojo> When jumping to an order which is normally not played, the song variables are now reset (previously, if the main song had f.e. a global volume fade out at the end, this was retained when switching to an unplayed order, effectively muting all sub songs).
   [Fix] <Jojo> OpenMPT does not crash anymore when applying the Amplify command on a pattern selection that just covers the note / instrument column of the first channel.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Queueing a "---" or "+++" item now automatically moves the queue "cursor" to the next available pattern. Previously, queueing a "---" pattern restarted the song.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Changing a channel name from the pattern editor didn't mark the document as modified (
   [Fix] <Jojo> When restarting a pattern, the song timer was not reset properly.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Entering a note-off event in the MOD format created an unnecessary undo event.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Automation data is not written to the pattern if the current module format does not support smooth midi macros.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Selections were not clamped properly to the end of the pattern sometimes.
   [Reg] <Jojo> The "Position aware timer" option is gone. The position aware timer is now automatically used. It was optional in the first place because of some buggy code, which is now fixed.

Pattern tab::Note properties
   [Fix] <Jojo> The meaning of Q0x was displayed wrong for S3M / IT.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Changing a value didn't create an undo point. (
   [Fix] <Jojo> Setting the PC note plugin didn't work.

Pattern tab::Find/replace
   [New] <Jojo> Added Find / Replace mode: Find in current pattern selection. (
   [Imp] <Jojo> When changing the content of a combobox, the corresponding checkbox is now automatically checked. Likewise, the "Replace By" checkbox is checked if a checkbox or combobox on the "Replace" tab is enabled.
   [Mod] <Jojo> "Replace All" just creates one undo point now.

Pattern tab::GUI
   [Imp] <Jojo> Special paste modes have been moved to a sub menu in the context menu, to save some space.
   [Imp] <Jojo> Status bar now indicates if highpass filter is enabled on a channel. (
   [Imp] <Jojo> The dodgy note colour is now also customisable.
   [Mod] <Jojo> When removing a channel (via context menu) that contains no data in any pattern, no warning is shown anymore.

Sample tab
   [New] <Jojo> There's a new tool to create seamless sample loops: The loop crossfader. Includes a new keyboard shortcut. (
   [New] <Jojo> The new "sample grid" feature can create equally-sized sample selections, so it is f.e. easy to split a sample into four equally-sized samples.
   [New] <Jojo> New context menu item and keyboard shortcut: Quick fade for samples. If the sample start is selected, a fade-in is automatically performed. Likewise, if the sample end is selected, a fade-out is performed. If neither is selected, the default amplification dialog is shown.
   [Imp] <re>   Ctrl + Mouse Wheel can now be used for zooming into the sample data.
   [Mod] <Jojo> Undo steps have been increased from 100 to 1000 (per sample).
   [Fix] <Jojo> When cutting samples with a loop, the loop end point was not always moved correctly if the cut start was in the loop.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Loop point controls also accept large numbers to be inputted manually.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Sample Undo didn't preserve the sample name.
   [Fix] <re>   Changing zoom level should now preserve the view position better. (

Instrument tab
   [New] <Jojo> Clicking on an empty plugin slot in the plugin dropdown list opens the "Add Plugin" dialog (tx coda)
   [Imp] <re>   Ctrl + Mouse Wheel can now be used for zooming into the envelopes.
   [Imp] <Jojo> When pressing the up arrow key in the sample map while the cursor is on the lowest note (C-0), the sample map doesn't lose focus anymore. It is also not possible anymore to move the sample map out of view by clicking the area above the lowest note.
   [Mod] <Jojo> Copying and pasting envelopes with no points isn't possible anymore. (Who wants to do that anyway?)
   [Fix] <Jojo> Fadeout control also accepts large numbers to be inputted manually. (
   [Fix] <Jojo> Changing the filter mode didn't mark the file as modified.
   [Fix] <Jojo> The note mapping doesn't allow items anymore that aren't notes (such as "no note" or "note cut"). Such notes couldn't be entered manually, however when converting from other formats this was possible and it could crash the tracker (
   [Fix] <Jojo> Various actions in the instrument note map and envelope view should now also mark the instrument as modified (when working in the ITP format).

   [New] <Jojo> Plugins can now request common file dialogs (file and directory selection).
   [New] <Jojo> New menu entry in the plugin editor: Create instrument from plugin
   [Mod] <Jojo> When automatically inserting a new instrument from the VST editor, the bank and patch values are now not filled in anymore, so it is easier to change to another patch while editing.
   [Mod] <Jojo> Various small improvements to support VST 2.4 plugins better.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Speaker arrangement is now sent to the plugins upon initialization. This fixes Voxengo SPAN 2 (a VST 2.4 plugin). Does this break other multichannel plugins?
   [Fix] <Jojo> The time signature sent to VST plugins should be correct now. The denominator is always assumed to be 4, so a 6/8 signature is for example not possible.
   [Fix] <Jojo> The EnergyXT GUI does now also work after closing and re-opening the VST editor. (tx Nahkranoth,
   [Fix] <Jojo> Fixed garbage characters shown in preset fields of plugins that don't return program names.

Mod Conversion
   [Imp] <Jojo> If the new format doesn't support restart positions, it is now tried to convert the restart position to a pattern command.
   [Imp] <Jojo> When converting patterns from a format with instruments to a format without instruments (or when removing all instruments using the cleanup dialog), the instrument note mapping is now also taken care of.
   [Imp] <Jojo> Sample sustain loops are now converted to normal loops if needed and possible.
   [Imp] <Jojo> Bidi loops are disabled when converting to MOD / S3M now.
   [Imp] <Jojo> More warnings are shown, old warning messages were improved.
   [Imp] <Jojo> Volume command priority when converting from XM to IT / S3M has been changed - Cxx overrides vxx in XM, so this is now taken into account.
   [Imp] <Jojo> When converting to XM, the E60 bug is now tried to be compensated.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Q0y means "no volume change" in S3M / IT, but R0y means "continue volume change" in FT2, and converting from IT / S3M to XM didn't consider this. Q0y is now converted to R8y, and E9y is now converted to Q0y (instead of Q8y).

   [New] <Jojo> New mix mode: Compatible. This is used for MOD / S3M / XM / IT by default and has more appropriate mixing levels for those formats (same levels as Schism Tracker) than mix mode RC3, and it forces soft panning to be *disabled*. Please use compatible mixing levels when working with legacy formats from now on. (
   [Imp] <Jojo> Improved the algorithm for finding a free channel for note playback in the editor (does not affect normal module playback).
   [Mod] <Jojo> A new mechanism is used to determine the end of playback. This introduces some great changes in the code. One advantage of the new mechanism is that backwards playing patterns can now be exported to WAV properly ( The new code might not stop playback properly if "loop song" is disabled and the user jumped around in the module - let's see how that works... (it's not like this has worked properly before anyway)
   [Fix] <Jojo> Pattern jumps to the same row + pattern as the jump command are not ignored anymore. (

   [New] <Jojo> Edit history information can now be read from and saved to IT / MPTM files. This is based on an undocumented feature in Impulse Tracker. Use View -> Edit History for viewing or deleting this information.
   [Imp] <Jojo> IT files made with Modplug Tracker 1.00a5 are now also detected as such. Since long patterns can also be created in other trackers (e.g. Chibi), long patterns are not used to identify files made with MPT anymore.
   [Mod] <Jojo> Sane values are used again for the "cwtv" and "cmwt" header fields when saving IT files; in fact the same values as in compatibility export are used. To be able to distinguish between raped and compatibility-exported IT files, "OMPT" is written in the "reserved" header field. As a consequence, IT files made with OpenMPT can now be loaded in Impulse Tracker again.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Incorrect notes were memorized for PPS (and possibly other effects) when working with instruments that had non-default note assignments (f.e. C-5 => D-4)
   [Fix] <Jojo> In compatible mode, bidi loops are now treated like in IT's software mixer. (
   [Fix] <Jojo> Sample autovibrato is now hopefully a bit closer to Impulse Tracker in compatible mode... (
   [Fix] <Jojo> The envelope handling was altered slightly to work more like in Schism Tracker. This fixes a combination of Envelope Carry + Portamento as it can be found in "electric bunny" by Alpha C.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Various fixes to playback of multi-sample instruments. "Ultima Ratio" by Nebularia and "Shuttle Departure" by Sphenx sound better now.
   [Fix] <Jojo> The extended sample map is not saved anymore in the instrument headers when using compatibility export.   

IT::Loading and Saving
   [Imp] <Jojo> Autovibrato sweep is now fixed when loading IT files made with old versions of (Open)MPT.
   [Mod] <Jojo> MIDI macros are now cleared when loading IT files made with old Impulse Tracker versions (< 2.14), so that Zxx commands won't break the songs anymore (fixes, fix from Schism Tracker).
   [Fix] <Jojo> Note mapping items that aren't notes (f.e. empty notes) are now ignored when loading and saving.
   [Fix] <Jojo> When saving, non-existing envelopes are now replaced by a default (disabled) envelope, so that they can still be edited in Impulse Tracker.

   [New] <Jojo> Each pattern can now have a custom time signature (rows per beat and rows per measure) which can be set from the pattern properties dialog. (
   [New] <Jojo> Edit history information (read the "IT" section above for an explanation)

   [Fix] <Jojo> Various mind-boggling combinations of EDx, notes and instrument numbers should work correctly in compatible mode now.
   [Fix] <Jojo> When there's a instrument number next to a 3xx effect which differs from the previous instrument number, it resets the instrument properties of the previous instrument in compatible mode.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Portamento combined with an Offset command results in the offset command being ignored in compatible mode.
   [Fix] <Jojo> XM Loader: Fixed handling of instruments with no samples, so that instruments assigned to VST plugins work correctly.

   [Imp] <Jojo> It's now possible to create MOD files with more than 64 distinct patterns. Just like in ProTracker, such MOD files are identified by the "M!K!" signature (instead of M.K.)
   [Fix] <Jojo> The maximum speed for MOD files was off by one in some places (31 instead of 32).

   [New] <Jojo> Heuristic detection for VBlank MODs. Most MODs use the CIA timer instead of VBlank timing, but some don't.
   [New] <Jojo> Heuristic detection for PT 1.x playback mode: If there is pattern data that looks like it needs on-the-fly sample swapping, PT 1.x mode is enabled.
   [New] <Jojo> Heuristic detection for MODs with 7-bit panning, which is then automatically converted to 8-bit panning.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Tentative fix for MODs with short loops at the sample start that were most likely not intended.

   [Mod] <Jojo> Changed some code in the S3M loader that should only affect really broken S3M files which every player handles different anyway (at least my broken version of aa-polym.s3m sounds better now)
   [Fix] <Jojo> Octave 8 was allowed in S3M files while it shouldn't (it wasn't even saved in the file)
   [Fix] <Jojo> S3M Loader: Fix to pattern loader (for empty patterns)
   [Fix] <Jojo> Removed the X param (#) effect from the supported effect list.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Speed and tempo values are now adjusted to what Scream Tracker actually expects (speed 1 - 254, tempo 33 - 255) - anything out of this range is ignored by Scream Tracker, so it is now also ignored by OpenMPT.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Pattern breaks >= C40 are now ignored.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Global volume commands > V40 are now ignored.

Other modules
   [Imp] <Jojo> Garbage characters in sample / instrument / song names should be gone now.. This should f.e. avoid sample names like " ntitled" turning up in modules after deleting sample names.
   [Imp] <Jojo> Improved handling of the note cut effect in PTM (Polytracker) files a bit.
   [Mod] <Jojo> Improved portamento import precision for DBM and ULT loaders (patch from Schism Tracker)
   [Mod] <Jojo> Added a version check to the ITP loader (why was this not there in the first place?)
   [Fix] <Jojo> As MTM files were converted to MOD automatically when being loaded, channel panning was lost. Now they're loaded as S3M instead.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Short loops in AMF / MED files are now ignored ( - probably caused by bad MOD conversions, at least in the AMF example?
   [Reg] <Jojo> Disabled the Velvet Studio loader for now, since it either crashes on almost all AMS files or at least imports them completely wrong.

   [New] <Jojo> WAV Export: Sample-exact cue points are now written at each pattern transition.
   [New] <Jojo> Most MPT hacks in modules can now be found through View -> Find MPT Hacks in Song.
   [Imp] <Jojo> Paths to VST plugins in mptrack.ini and plugin.cache are now also relative in portable mode. This means that finally, *all* stored paths are now relative in portable mode.
   [Imp] <Jojo> Additional new keyboard shortcuts: Panic, View Edit History, Set Invalid / Ignore (--- / +++) Pattern (in the orderlist), plus the ones mentioned in above categories
   [Imp] <Jojo> Some improvements were made to the Registry / INI reading: If there were no Registry settings because MPT 1.16 was previously not installed, the INI file is now also read as it might contain some lines created by the installer.
   [Imp] <Jojo> Sound Setup: For ASIO devices, only supported sampling rates are now shown.
   [Imp] <Jojo> The instrument list on the comments tab also shows assigned plugins now.
   [Imp] <Jojo> Added Mix Paste (IT Style) to the "Paste Special" edit menu
   [Imp] <Jojo> Macro Editor: User is now warned if the current macro configuration differs from the default configuration but embedding macro configuration is disabled.
   [Mod] <Jojo> Changes to keymap file handling: The active keymap is now always saved to Keybindings.mkb (in either %APPDATA%\OpenMPT or the executable's directory). Any other keymaps are now only overwritten when using the "Save keys as" function. (
   [Mod] <Jojo> On first run, the default ASIO driver is now chosen instead of DirectSound (if there is one).
   [Mod] <Jojo> The "Original" mix mode now also has a version number (1.16) to reflect what the "original" thing is.
   [Mod] <Jojo> Updated genre list in the MP3 export dialog.
   [Mod] <Jojo> When using the ACM MP3 codec, 320kbit/s bitrate should now be available.
   [Mod] <Jojo> "No extra-loud samples" is now enabled by default (as it's more suitable for mixmodes RC3 and Original)
   [Mod] <Jojo> The MMX acceleration label in the Soundcard setup dialog is now updated according to the multimedia extensions that are supported by the CPU (3DNow! / SSE)
   [Mod] <Jojo> Updated unmo3.dll to version
   [Mod] <Jojo> Updated the internet link list in the Help menu.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Mod Cleanup: Rearrange patterns was broken when using more than one sequence in the MPTM format. (tx Skaven)
   [Fix] <Jojo> Mod Cleanup: Various sample / instrument rearranging functions broke PC Notes.
   [Fix] <Jojo> The text length was calculated wrong in the message reader, leading to a possible buffer overflow when reading song messages with mixed line endings where CR or LF line endings were expected.
   [Fix] <Jojo> When there was no INI file, the size of the upper pattern view was defaulting to a wrong value.
   [Fix] <Jojo> The ID3v2 "comments" field was not formatted properly when exporting to MP3.
   [Fix] <Jojo> unmo3.dll and uxtheme.dll (for theming the general tab) are now loaded "safely", to avoid the currently spreading DLL exploits.
   [Fix] <Jojo> Editing a sample / instrument name on the comments tab didn't mark the module as modified (tx djmakas)
   [Fix] <Jojo> When changing the font size of the song message while the comments tab is open, the message editor is now resized instantly. Previously, only the font size was updated.
   [Reg] <Jojo> "Set highlights to songs' time signatures" is gone. Custom song highlighting is now always applied, and the values found in the colour options are now always applied to new modules.
» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.



Good job Jojo. I'll test this when I have some time, and I hope that'll happen sometime soon.
"Heh, maybe I should've joined the compo only because it would've meant I wouldn't have had to worry about a damn EQ or compressor for a change. " - Atlantis
"yes.. I think in this case it was wishful thinking: MPT is makng my life hard so it must be wrong" - Rewbs

Saga Musix

As OpenMPT 1.19 has now been released officially, the first post has been updated. Only a few small changes have been made since the release candidate.
» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.


Updating the OHM to all changes since the last, but i need a few questions answered:

Quote from: Jojo[New] <Jojo> WAV Export: Sample-exact cue points are now written at each pattern transition.

Please elaborate. Have you introduced a new feature? Or is it simply an internal compatibility fix? Even though your term is descriptive, what IS a "sample-exact" cue point, and why should it be saved at the end of each pattern (index?) transition?

Quote from: Jojo[Fix] <Jojo> In compatible mode, bidi loops are now treated like in IT's software mixer.

What is different between how IT and MPT handles bidi loops? Be as detailed and technical as you like, and i will simplify it for the manual, if necessary...

Quote from: Jojo[Fix] <Jojo> Queueing a "---" or "+++" item now automatically moves the queue "cursor" to the next available pattern. Previously, queueing a "---" pattern restarted the song.

What do you mean by "queueing" a pattern? Do you mean setting the playback pointer to one of those types of index patterns in the Order List? ("Queueing" is a rare word in American English; i wanna make sure i understand exactly your meaning...)

Quote from: Jojo[Fix] <Jojo> Automation data is not written to the pattern if the current module format does not support smooth midi macros.

Is this for all cases, whether entered by keypress or Record Params? The input is simply ignored?

Quote from: Jojo[Mod] <Jojo> Various small improvements to support VST 2.4 plugins better.

How complete is MPT's support of VST 2.4? I was going to laud this as a feature in the OHM, but which term best describes the support level -- "experimental," "tentative," or "full"?

So far, all other features and modifications work, except for the Note Properties bug which i described at Issue Tracker.

You might also be happy to know that all new or replacement images i create for the OHM will be in PNG format (you're right, it's much clearer!). I hope this doesn't cause any problems with porting to other Help File types or DOC loader applications...

Saga Musix

Quote from: Harbinger on April 01, 2011, 18:31:59
Have you introduced a new feature?
Yes. As you might know, WAV files can contain cue points, and with this version, there is a cue point written at every pattern transition. "Sample-exact" simply means that the cue points are as precise as they could be.

Quote from: Harbinger on April 01, 2011, 18:31:59
What is different between how IT and MPT handles bidi loops?
In layman's terms, MPT (and Fasttracker 2, and Impulse Tracker when using a Gravis Ultrasound) plays the last sample of a bidi loop twice, which means that the loop is technically one sample longer. Impulse Tracker (when using the software renderer or a card that is not a Gravis Ultrasound) doesn't repeat the sample. There is really only an audible difference if you use bidi-looped chip samples.

Quote from: Harbinger on April 01, 2011, 18:31:59
What do you mean by "queueing" a pattern? Do you mean setting the playback pointer to one of those types of index patterns in the Order List?
I'm referring to the middle-click functionality in the order list. Not really worth mentioning in the OHM, since the modification is really minor and previously OpenMPT was just doing something that was not straight-forward.

Quote from: Harbinger on April 01, 2011, 18:31:59
Is this for all cases, whether entered by keypress or Record Params? The input is simply ignored?
It simply means that if a format doesn't support the \xx effect, it is not possible to enter it in the pattern. Previously that was f.e. possible when working with MOD files.

Quote from: Harbinger on April 01, 2011, 18:31:59
How complete is MPT's support of VST 2.4? I was going to laud this as a feature in the OHM, but which term best describes the support level -- "experimental," "tentative," or "full"?
"VST 2.4" is a very abstract thing and you can't really measure "completeness" of VST 2.4 support. VST 2.4 just brought some enhancements and concepts in the VST world like buses, but these concepts are not the base of VST 2.4, so not supporting them does not mean that a host is not compatible with VST 2.4. However, the lack of a bus system is probably the biggest problem at the moment indeed. Another example is that VST 2.4 brought support for 64-bit mixing, but again, it doesn't mean that a host like OpenMPT is not compliant if it only does 32-bit mixing. Most fixes in this version were bugfixes for some plugins running more stable, though.
» No support, bug reports, feature requests via private messages - they will not be answered. Use the forums and the issue tracker so that everyone can benefit from your post.


I am currently writing up a new section for the next update of the OHM on the external files that MPT uses (which will be advanced users). While researching the changelog, i came across these:

Quote from: history.txt
  + <re> Improvements in IT compatibility playmode. When loading ITs, if file doesn't seem modplug made, then automatically setting IT compatibility playmode. The playmode setting can be toggled in song properties dialog, and the autodetection with an ini setting.
  + <re> 'key binding not understood'-messages can be disabled with an ini setting.

What are the parameters that should be announced and in what category? They are not part of the default INI. I also need to know the possible values.

Quote from: history.txt
  / <Jojo> Store configuration and tuning files in %APPDATA% if possible. Can be disabled by adding UseAppDataDirectory=0 to [Paths] in mptrack.ini ("portable mode").

If the INI is not stored in the Application Data folder in portable mode, where does MPT expect to find it?

Quote from: history.txt
   [Fix] <Jojo> Various mind-boggling combinations of EDx, notes and instrument numbers should work correctly in compatible mode now.

Not sure what has changed about EDx's overall behavior in XM tracks, but here is the description that has been in the OHM since 1.18....
Quote from: Offline Help Manual
EDx: Delays playing the specified note for x ticks. When called by itself in a row, the most recent instrument is played at the most recent note. NOTE: When converting another format to XM, EDx commands without a called note are deleted.

Is this description still true, or do changes in 1.19 require a rewrite? And if so, how exactly?

Quote from: history.txt
   [Fix] <Jojo> Speed and tempo values are now adjusted to what Scream Tracker actually expects (speed 1 - 254, tempo 33 - 255) - anything out of this range is ignored by Scream Tracker, so it is now also ignored by OpenMPT.
While testing, i noticed that the slider in Note Properties only allows values for Axx from 1 to 127. Does the slider limits need to be adjusted (minor GUI bug), or are these values doubled during compatible playback?
Also, T00-T1F are used to slide the tempo rate, so i assume these are still processed. This leaves T20 as the only value outside of the range you described. Am i correct in assuming that this is the only Txx value that MPT will ignore?

Quote from: history.txt
   [Imp] <Jojo> Paths to VST plugins in mptrack.ini and plugin.cache are now also relative in portable mode. This means that finally, *all* stored paths are now relative in portable mode.

I understand that pathnames will be in reference to the location of mptrack.exe while in portable mode, but how exactly is "Portable Mode" activated as a general setting? During installation, or from an INI line?

Saga Musix

Quote from: Harbinger on April 07, 2011, 20:25:14What are the parameters that should be announced and in what category? They are not part of the default INI. I also need to know the possible values.
IT compatibility mode detection cannot be turned off anymore. There is no INI setting for it because it's very reliable.
Keymap error messageboxes can be suppressed by setting "ShowErrorOnUnknownKeybinding" in section [Misc] to 1. Though that setting is also still from the time when OpenMPT threw dozens of messageboxes if the keymap file could not be recognized - now it's just one messagebox, so it's kind of unnecessary and will probably be removed.

Quote from: Harbinger on April 07, 2011, 20:25:14
If the INI is not stored in the Application Data folder in portable mode, where does MPT expect to find it?
In the same directory as the executable.

Quote from: Harbinger on April 07, 2011, 20:25:14Not sure what has changed about EDx's overall behavior in XM tracks, but here is the description that has been in the
Believe me, you don't want to write up how this works. Basically, if there is a EDx command, you can expect anything in the volume column and note offs to behave as non-predictable as it could get. The part that's described in the OHM is correct, but in XM there are various side effects that are really too complicated to cover. OpenMPT probably still doesn't get all of them right.

Quote from: Harbinger on April 07, 2011, 20:25:14While testing, i noticed that the slider in Note Properties only allows values for Axx from 1 to 127. Does the slider limits need to be adjusted (minor GUI bug), or are these values doubled during compatible playback?
The limits in the note properties dialog are indeed wrong.

Quote from: Harbinger on April 07, 2011, 20:25:14Also, T00-T1F are used to slide the tempo rate, so i assume these are still processed. This leaves T20 as the only value outside of the range you described. Am i correct in assuming that this is the only Txx value that MPT will ignore?
Pretty much, yes. But bare in mind that T00-T1F were originally not supported in Scream Tracker, either. They were probably added by Impulse Tracker or some other player.

Quote from: Harbinger on April 07, 2011, 20:25:14
I understand that pathnames will be in reference to the location of mptrack.exe while in portable mode, but how exactly is "Portable Mode" activated as a general setting? During installation, or from an INI line?
How to make OpenMPT portable?
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for some reason it doesn't work on my laptop... still got 18
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Saga Musix

Quote from: Exhale on April 10, 2011, 05:00:20
for some reason it doesn't work on my laptop... still got 18
Sorry, my crystal ball is (still) broken. What "does not work"? Do you get any error messages? What operating system are you using (please be as precise as possible)?
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I downloaded the install exe and the zip and neither of them worked on my XP laptop...
all it says after install or extract is that modplug has encountered a problem and needs to close.
here's what I get if I ask for more info :

AppName: mptrack.exe    AppVer:    ModName: kernel32.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.5781    Offset: 00012afb
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Saga Musix

Do you have Service Pack 3 installed? I haven't tested the executable on XP installations without SP3.
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Quote from: Jojo on April 11, 2011, 11:06:21
Do you have Service Pack 3 installed? I haven't tested the executable on XP installations without SP3.
yeah I have service pack 3, not a brilliant laptop, but handles 1.18 fine
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Saga Musix

Hmm... weird. After a quick search on google, the same problem happens with other programs if the VS2008 redist package is not installed. You could try installing it. However I have been able to run OpenMPT 1.19 on Win98 using KernelEx and on a plain Windows XP SP3 without the redist package installed, so I would be a bit puzzled if this was actually the solution.
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Quote from: Jojo on April 11, 2011, 14:33:30
Hmm... weird. After a quick search on google, the same problem happens with other programs if the VS2008 redist package is not installed. You could try installing it. However I have been able to run OpenMPT 1.19 on Win98 using KernelEx and on a plain Windows XP SP3 without the redist package installed, so I would be a bit puzzled if this was actually the solution.

I had it installed, I repaired it. It's still not working... gives me the same.
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Saga Musix

Ok, that's very weird. I have seen similar reports for other applications with the same ModName /ModVer / Offset values, so I still think that the problem might be related to a broken OS. Just to confirm, does the crash message appear right after double-clicking the executable?
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